This application is still work in progress - the interface might change a lot and needs to be built locally to be used. To build it run:
./gradlew installDist
The executable can then be found under ./build/install/kadmin/bin/kadmin
. The get an overview over
the subcommands and usage us the global help:
kadmin --help
or to get help for a specific sub-command use:
kadmin <some subcommnand> --help
The broker to connect to can be set via an environment variable like this:
export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=mykafka:9092
The list
command allows to list partitions based on filter criteria. Currently, filtering can be
done by topic prefix or by number of replicas.
For example to get all partitions of topics with names starting with tenant_x_
kadmin list -t tenant_x_
To get all partitions with a replication factor of 2 use:
kadmin list -r 2
The ensure-replicas
command can be used to increase the numbers of replicas of certain partitions
to a given number. The command assumes that every broker has the same storage capacity and tries to
even out storage size of every broker.
For defining which partitions should be affected the same filters can be used as in the list
By default, the command applies no changes and just prints out the repartitioning that would happen.
For example, to increase all topics with names starting with my_customer_
to at least 2 replicas
kadmin ensure-replicas 2 -t my_customer_
The above command will just list what would be done. To actually apply it run:
kadmin ensure-replicas 2 -t my_customer_ --apply