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refactor: improved Makefile (#199)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* refactor: broke down the .PHONY statement

* refactor: added node_modules target as dependency

* refactor: improved test outputs

* refactor: renamed build target to dist

* refactor: improved targets output

* refactor: grouped targets

* refactor: renamed compile target

* refactor: added missing node_modules dependency

* refactor: removed extraneous dependency
lquixada committed Dec 21, 2024
1 parent 1555cee commit d1f85aa
Showing 1 changed file with 113 additions and 50 deletions.
163 changes: 113 additions & 50 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,69 +1,132 @@
.PHONY: all
all: test lint typecheck

node_modules: package.json
npm install && /usr/bin/touch node_modules

build: node_modules
npx rollup -c

.PHONY: browser
./bin/server --exec "npx open-cli http://localhost:8000/test/fetch-api/browser/"

.PHONY: commit
commit: node_modules
npx cz

commitlint: node_modules
npx commitlint --from origin/main --to HEAD --verbose

compile: node_modules test/fetch-api/api.spec.ts
npx tsc

npx nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > .reports/coverage.lcov && npx codecov

npx standard

.PHONY: release
release: node_modules
npx standard-version

.PHONY: release-alpha
release-alpha: node_modules
npx standard-version --prerelease alpha

npx snyk test
# Builds

test: compile test-fetch test-module
node_modules: package.json
@echo ""
@echo "=> installing dependencies..."
@npm install && /usr/bin/touch node_modules

test-fetch: test-fetch-browser test-fetch-whatwg test-fetch-node
dist: package.json rollup.config.js $(wildcard src/*.js) node_modules
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"
@npx rollup -c

test-fetch-browser: build
test/fetch-api/api.spec.js: node_modules test/fetch-api/api.spec.ts
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"
@npx tsc

test-fetch-whatwg: build
# Checks

test-fetch-node: build
.PHONY: commitlint
commitlint: node_modules
@echo ""
@echo "=> linting commits..."
@npx commitlint --from origin/main --to HEAD --verbose

.PHONY: cov
cov: node_modules
@echo ""
@echo "=> checking code coverage..."
@npx nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > .reports/coverage.lcov && npx codecov

.PHONY: lint
lint: node_modules
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"
@npx standard

.PHONY: secure
secure: node_modules
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"
@npx snyk test

.PHONY: typecheck
typecheck: node_modules
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"
@npx tsc --lib ES6 --noEmit index.d.ts ./test/fetch-api/api.spec.ts

# Test groups

.PHONY: test
test: test-fetch test-module

.PHONY: test-fetch
test-fetch: test-fetch-browser test-fetch-whatwg test-fetch-node

.PHONY: test-module
test-module: test-module-web-cjs test-module-web-esm test-module-node-cjs test-module-node-esm test-module-react-native

test-module-web-cjs: build

test-module-web-esm: build

test-module-node-cjs: build

test-module-node-esm: build

test-module-react-native: build

npx tsc --lib ES6 --noEmit index.d.ts ./test/fetch-api/api.spec.ts

.PHONY: all build deploy lint test test-fetch test-fetch-browser test-fetch-whatwg test-fetch-node test-module test-module-web-cjs test-module-web-esm test-module-node-cjs test-module-node-esm test-module-react-native typecheck
# Test units

.PHONY: test-fetch-browser
test-fetch-browser: | dist test/fetch-api/api.spec.js
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

.PHONY: test-fetch-whatwg
test-fetch-whatwg: | dist test/fetch-api/api.spec.js
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

.PHONY: test-fetch-node
test-fetch-node: | dist test/fetch-api/api.spec.js
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

.PHONY: test-module-web-cjs
test-module-web-cjs: | dist
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

.PHONY: test-module-web-esm
test-module-web-esm: | dist
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

.PHONY: test-module-node-cjs
test-module-node-cjs: | dist
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

.PHONY: test-module-node-esm
test-module-node-esm: | dist
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

.PHONY: test-module-react-native
test-module-react-native: | dist
@echo ""
@echo "=> make $@"

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