A global sailing navigation simulator, using real-world geographic information and weather/ocean data (as seen here: https://8bitbyte.ca/sailnavsim/).
- POSIX threads (pthread) library, with headers
- SQLite3 library, with headers
- Make
- C compiler (gcc or clang, etc.)
- Rust toolchain (rustc and cargo, etc.)
- Ubuntu 20.04, x86-64
- Debian 10 (Buster), x86-64
make sailnavsim
Create the named pipe to be able to send the simulator commands:
mkfifo cmds
Basic run:
With optional TCP server listening on localhost:$PORT (for weather data, live boat info, etc.):
./sailnavsim --netport $PORT
Performance test run:
./sailnavsim --perf
echo "TestBoat,add,44.0,-63.0,0,0" > cmds
echo "TestBoat,course,90" > cmds
echo "TestBoat,start" > cmds
echo "TestBoat,stop" > cmds
echo "TestBoat,remove" > cmds
make tests