TrashTron2 is a Instance-Segmentation-Model based on FAIR's Detectron2. TrashTron2 is currently trained on over 200+ Images of trash provided by TACO.
You can use and train TrashTron2 in the associated TrashTron2 Notebook with Google Collab. See the instruction under GettingStarted.
Model | AP | AP50 | AP75 |
ResNet-50 | 58.314 | 73.825 | 61.755 |
ResNet-101 | 59.584 | 76.967 | 62.230 |
ResNext-101 | 59.305 | 78.326 | 63.566 |
release v0.1
Increase number of annotated images
fine tune models on new images
release v0.2
deploy Resnet-50 on NVIDIA JetsonNano