This container is intended for use as a lightweight virtual machine that replicates a LIGO software environment on all operating systems. It includes a default user (albert) and command-line environment.
It is intended to be a "terminal" image that other containers should not build
from. ligo/software
is the correct container to use in tools like GitLab CI
and Travis CI and should be used to construct derivative containers.
The following command will ensure that user home directories are mounted in such a way that the albert user has the same level of access as your account. Privileged access is necessary to mount filesystems; it is an access level you already have on your workstation and are delegating it to Docker. If you are on a shared system, this may have security implications you should consider.
docker run -it --privileged -v $(grid-proxy-info -path):/tmp/x509up_u1000 -v /Users:/Users ligo/cvmfs:latest
This will not map user ids in the same automatic way as on MacOS, but it will provide limited access to user home directories.
docker run -it --privileged -v $(grid-proxy-info -path):/tmp/x509up_u1000 -v /home:/home ligo/cvmfs:latest