Debian stretch script to install an OpenStreetMap tile.
For Ubuntu version check OpenTileServer maintained by
After searching an easy way to install a tile server, we found the project OpenTileServer which was what we needed. The script was written for Ubuntu but sadly not compatible with Debian, so we decided to write our own script.
As Debian has default packages for the mapnik style and rendering/serving tiles, the script is more simplier than the Ubuntu version
Two backend can be installed
Tilestache is available by default in Debian, so this package is more simplier to maintain and install, but it is slower than the mod_tile backend and lack interesting features like marking "dirty" tiles to be re-rendered.
The used tools are
-Default mapnik style
-Leaflet demo page
The mod_tile is not yet in stretch repository, but the Debian build is already prepared in the git source tree of the mod_tile code, so it will be compiled and installed as a standard debian package.
This backend is faster than Tilestache, but more complex to install and maintain but has the advantage to have many useful features like re-rendering dirty tiles.
-Default mapnik style
Only tested under Debian 9 (stretch), some packages could be missing under other releases
The script is quit tested and it works well in default context (barbone Debian Stretch install).
Two script are available, one for each backend, choose the wanted one and then execute it
./opentileserver_{backend}.sh {pbf_url}
{pbf_url} complete PBF url from GeoFabrik (or other source)
The data are updated via osmosis, the tool is executed once a day with a cron job. The updated data will be downloaded and merged in the database
( experimental feature for the moment )
When the installation is finished, a demo page is available under
The important file to fine tune are
/etc/renderd.conf (for mod_tile)
/etc/tilestache.conf (for tilestache)