This project is an art gallery / art sales website. The artist wants a website where she can showcase and sell her art as well as have students sign up for her art classes. Feature List: Minimum Viable: o Admin is able to login and CRUD gallery items (art pieces) o Validations are present to ensure photo of the art is uploaded, no data is left blank o File upload is working to upload photos of artwork o Login validations are present o Website user can view items on art gallery page o Unable to access admin user pages unless logged in
Backlog: o Landing page as the “cover” for the art gallery, styled with photos that rotate out every few seconds o Customer registration and login o Users can edit account information o Admin is able to create a class schedule and customers can sign up for classes o Admin can put artwork for sale, customers can agree to purchase item through the website o Payment method in place through website or third party o Admin can update order status, add tracking information through the website o Blog added on to website, admin can post and logged-in users may comment