Welcome to Felinopedia, a website dedicated to fascinating articles about felines, French zoos, and incredible anecdotes that highlight these beautiful animals!
As the creator of this site, I utilized Gatsby React to continue honing my development skills in React after completing a software development internship in Stockholm in 2022.
However, I encountered some challenges while building the site with Gatsby. The platform is optimized for blogs, which posed some issues with managing JSON files and image management. Despite these challenges, I persevered and created a site that I'm proud to share with the world.
Felinopédia has a vast selection of engaging articles on felines, French zoos, and fun anecdotes, as well as a "Carnet rose" where you can access information about all the adorable feline babies born in recent years. If you're planning a trip to the zoo and want to see some furry little friends, this is the perfect tool for you. You can even filter the babies by your favorite species!
In addition, Félinopedia features a comprehensive database that allows you to follow the lives and journeys of these fascinating animals and learn more about them. We also provide an interactive map of France that makes it easy to locate zoos near you.
We invite you to check out our project and explore our website ! Thank you for your interest in Félinopedia, and we hope you enjoy your visit.
Lucas MARQUET - [email protected]