##LibrarIST - Library Management App
LibrarIST is a powerful library management app developed for the Android operating system. It provides mobile support for free libraries, similar to the Little Free Library initiative. The app helps users locate free libraries in their vicinity and explore the books available in those libraries. It also assists in managing book inventories by facilitating donations, checkouts, and returns.
The app consists of the following mandatory features:
Map of available free libraries, including the ability to drag the map and view more libraries. Search bar to lookup and center the map on a specific address. Option to center the map on the user's current location. Markers on the map indicating the locations of free libraries. Highlighting of favorite libraries with a different marker. Information panel for each library, displaying its name, location on the map, photo, and navigation button. Option to add/remove a library from the user's favorites. Book check-in/donation functionality, including the ability to scan barcodes or create a new book with a title and cover photo. Book checkout functionality, including barcode scanning. List of books available at each library, with the ability to tap a book for more information. In addition to the mandatory features, the project allows for the implementation of additional components, each with its grading percentage. These components include:
Securing Communication Meta Moderation User Ratings User Accounts Social Sharing to Other Apps Localization UI Adaptability: Rotation UI Adaptability: Light/Dark Theme Recommendations The combination of these additional features should add up to at least 25% of the overall grade for the project.