It's a script that analyzes all the messages in a given WhatsApp group chat and visualizes the most active users, the most used words and the dates and times with the most activity.
Download and install Python3.
Clone or download this repository and enter the root directory.
pip install requirements.txt
Get a chat by going into a group -> Settings -> Email Chat -> No Media.
Place the downloaded .txt file containing the chats in the same folder as this script.
Run the script in the commandline with the following format: chat.txt
where chat.txt is the file containing the chats -
The below images will be generated in an output folder along with an excel sheet containing the formatted data:
Only messages of the following types have been tested:
18/05/16, 7:06:22 PM: username/phone number: message
4/24/17, 6:30 PM - username/phone number: message
[30/04/2015 20:55:13] username/phone number: message
Other message formats will most likely not work at all. If you find a different format, please open an issue and I'll add it in.
- Month/Week-wise activity map
- Most media sent
- Longest interval between activity
- Average word count of a message
- Biggest message
- User-based stats: Most active date, most used word, biggest message, average word count