This repository contains the code to follow along with the hands-on-tutorial on opportunities and challenges for online deep learning, held at ECML PKDD 2023.
To run the provided code, we suggest creating a new Python environment using e.g. Anaconda or venv.
To set up your environment, first navigate to the demo's directory in your terminal.
When using Anaconda run
conda env create --file env.yml
Once the installation has finished activate your environment with
conda activate deep-river-demo
When using venv run
python3 -m venv deep-river-demo
Activate the enviroment on Mac/Linux using
source deep-river-demo/bin/activate
or on Windows using
Install the requirements by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the first Jupyter Notebook file using
jupyter lab notebooks/overview.ipynb
and follow along the tutorial by clicking the highlighted links in the outline!