Code refactoring (cleaner code, improved functionality and efficiency of Graph implementation)
Replaced some of the methods with lombok annotations
Changed the order of displayable vertices to ascending
Changed the displayable sets of vertices to unmodifiable
Changed return type of some of the methods from void to boolean
Added new files to resources
Added javadoc
Added JetBrains annotations
Added JUnit unit tests
Added GraphRunner class
Added NegativeVertexIndexException class
Added NoSuchVertexIndexException class
New Features
Disconnect vertices
Get neighbours of given vertex
Remove multiple vertices from the graph (before: only singular vertex per method invocation)
Create complete graph of given size,
Check if graph contains given vertices (before: only singular vertex per method invocation)
Check if subgraph or graph is bipartite
Check if subgraph or graph is complete
Check if given subset of vertices is an independent set of the graph
Compute maximal independent set in the graph
Modified implementation of breadth first search algorithm
Map a graph to a complete graph of the same size
Map vertices set to vertices indexes set
You can’t perform that action at this time.