- None
- http://lucasvo.com
GitHub Action for upload to IPFS. Supports Pinata, Infura pinning service as well as direct upload.
Privacy-preserving messaging protocol for the web3
Anonymous DHT Accessible from Executable or Tor-Enabled Browser
The main Centrifuge Ethereum contracts
Go implementation of Centrifuge POD (Private Off-chain Data) node
Turn Jira issue numbers (like XX-123) in GitHub into links.
Validation and serialization library for Python designed to be used with JSON REST frameworks
flavio87 / jk-navigator
Forked from thomasst/GoogleShortcutsGoogle Chrome extension that provides j/k/o navigation for Google, Amazon, Craigslist, Ebay, Yelp, Hackernews and Reddit
lucasvo / dotfiles
Forked from ryanb/dotfilesconfig files for zsh, bash, completions, gem, git, irb, rails
Adds a button which reloads a selected Google Chrome extension on click.
django-filebrowser for default Django admin site. I see upstream has moved to git (excellent!) Would anyone volunteer to graft our changes onto their tree?
A fork of MrOxiMoron's cmsplugin for news articles
RailwayJS Official site repo. It's just static files generator. Use wiki to update content: https://github.com/1602/express-on-railway/wiki
Please note: railwayjs.com repo moved to https://github.com/anatoliychakkaev/rwjs
A django-cms plugin for embedding content from other sites. It uses the embed.ly api to generate oembed objects for over 160 sites.
MVC framework. Built on Node.JS. Works on server and browser.
lucasvo / django-appmedia
Forked from divio/django-appmediasymlinks or builds appmedia for django projects
Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
Class based template tags for django
rich media consuming and providing with django
MongoKit framework try to keep its simplicity when you manage mongodb in python. MongoKit was developed to be fast and light with KISS and DRY in mind. MongoKit brings structured schema and validat…
lucasvo / django-dbforms
Forked from digi604/django-dbformsCreate forms in the admin
Bridging Django to MongoDB with the MongoKit ODM (Object Document Mapper)
symlinks or builds appmedia for django projects