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see the exact versions of repos that were imported with vcs #198

see the exact versions of repos that were imported with vcs

see the exact versions of repos that were imported with vcs #198

Workflow file for this run

name: Ubuntu 20.04 Noetic ROS build from source
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# env:
- name: git clone [email protected]:lucasw/ros_from_src
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: ros_from_src
submodules: recursive
- name: local apt dependencies
run: |
mkdir staging
cd staging
sudo ../ros_from_src/
- name: local git dependencies
run: |
cd staging
# override rosconsole in 20.04 for log4cxx compatibility
ROSCONSOLE= ../ros_from_src/
- name: local build
run: |
cd staging
- name: docker build from source 20.04
run: |
cd ros_from_src
docker build --build-arg IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04 --build-arg ROSCONSOLE= --build-arg PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION=8 . -t ros2004
- name: docker build from source 22.04
run: |
cd ros_from_src
docker build --build-arg IMAGE=ubuntu:22.04 --build-arg PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION=10 . -t ros2204
- name: docker build from source and debian 22.04
run: |
cd ros_from_src/ubuntu_2204
docker build . -t ros_debian_2204