A React web app project from the Udemy course - The Complete React Web Developer Course by Andrew Mead
Integration with Firebase:
Authentication with Google account
User based security to control data access on a per-user basis
Manage expenses with basic functionalities:
Create, remove and edit expense
Search existing expenses
Display expenses by date or amount
Filter expenses by a time span
Responsive web design
Authentication with Facebook account
Better user experience:
Render skeleton-ish screen while loading data
Confirmation modal when removing expense
Show username and greeting
Display number of hidden expenses while searching or filtering expenses
Custom NotFound page
Error handling for authenticatoin
Customize react-dates' date picker for better UI on mobile
Link multiple auth providers to an account
Code splitting to optimize load time at second visit
Add hashes to filenames for cache-busting
The data concerning Firebase configuration have been hidden deliberately, so the app cannot be run with its features on your local machine. If you would like to run it locally, please create your own Firebase project following the official setup guide.
git clone https://github.com/lucasweng/budget-app.git
yarn install
In the root folder of this project, create a file named .env.development with:
yarn dev-server
Visit http://localhost:8080
Some comments in the source code are course notes and therefore might not seem necessary from a developer's point of view.
TL;DR: the HTML output might be of the production version, so the dev-server cannot access the correct JS source file.
Re-build the development version by running:
yarn run build:dev
Then start the webpack-dev-server again with:
yarn dev-server
In this project, there are two versions of webpack configuration that produce JS files with different naming method. In order to correctly access those output files every time we build, webpack is set to automatically generate HTML files and wire them up to JS files with varying names. However, the webpack-dev-server is set to be serving outputs of the development version for the existing HTML file without generating a new one. So, it is likely to have the production version HTML be served with the development version JS file when running the dev-server, and that would therefore render nothing on the page.
If you would like to run the tests:
yarn test