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LSTM-ARIMA with Attention and multiplicative decomposition for sophisticated stock forecasting.


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TensorFlow Keras LSTM ARIMA

Neural Stock Prophet


Stock Price Prediction using a machine learning algorithm helps discover the future value of company stock and other financial assets traded on an exchange. Whereas, the existing methods relied highly on model setup and tuning, without considering the variation of data. Also, the machine learning model faces the problems of overfitting and performance limitations. The proposed solution combines several techniques and algorithms to enhance and evaluate the robustness, stability, and interoperability of the stock price prediction algorithm.

  • LSTM model with attention mechanisms
  • Multiplicative Decomposition
  • ARIMA model
  • Risk Parity Portfolio


You can install all the packages via

pip install -r requirements.txt


There are lots of parameters required to construct several algorithms. For more details on the parameters, please visit Parameters

For simple usage, you can just run


It is suggested to change different parameters to know the effects

E.g. Timesteps = 30 for dataset construction, window lengths = 252 for multiplicative decomposition, arima order = (2, 0, 2) for ARIMA model construction, and use the historical stock price from 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2022 to train the model, and use the stock price from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023 to perform forecasting.

python3 --time_steps=30 --window_lengths=252 --arima_order 2 0 2 --train_date 2012-01-01 2022-12-31 --test_date 2023-01-01 2023-12-31

Sample Output

                     Sharpe ratio Max Drawdown Annual return Annual volatility
Predicted Portfolio      6.376220       -1.87%        53.82%             6.80%
True Portfolio           2.061231       -8.44%        53.28%            21.89%


There are various parameters required by the algorithms. For more details, you can visit src/
The (.) after the argument type indicates the nargs= value in argparse.ArgumentParser().add_argument() method

Parameter Name Meaning Default Value Type Choice/Range
stock_names List of stock names to forecast and analyze ["AAPL", "GOOG", "MSFT", "AMZN", "TSLA"] str (+) (Valid stock name)
train_date Start and end date for training data (in the format of YYYY-MM-DD) ["2016-01-01", "2022-12-31"] str (2) (Valid stock price date)
test_date Start and end date for testing data (in the format of YYYY-MM-DD) ["2023-01-01", "2023-12-31"] str (2) (Valid stock price date)
keep_ratio Ratio of the number of features to keep during feature selection 0.8 float [0, 1]
time_steps Number of time steps to consider for dataset construction 60 int [1, len(dataset)]
window_lengths Length of the window for the seasonal component in multiplicative decomposition 48 int [1, len(dataset)]
factor Factor to combine the LSTM and ARIMA forecast, which control the importance of LSTM signal 0.9 float [0, 1]
epochs Number of epochs for training the LSTM model 50 int [1, inf)
batch_size Batch size for training the LSTM model 32 int [1, len(dataset)]
lr Learning rate for training the LSTM model 0.001 float (0, inf)
arima_order Order of the ARIMA model (requires 3 integers) [1, 0, 6] int (3) [0, inf) for 3 integers
arima_trend The deterministic trend in the ARIMA model ct str {n, c, t, ct}
verbose Determine if saving and printing the result True bool {True, False}
risk_distribution Determine the budget allocation of the portfolio eq str {eq, mv}


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


There are further improvements that can be made. Please have a look at the TODO.