Releases: lucatacconi/crunz-ui
Minor updates, library updates, bugfix
Here's what's in this release:
- Tools api accessible via basic authentication
- PHP 8.1 compatibility fix
- Library version updates
- Bug fixes and and code cleanup
New sections, engine updates, bug fixes and many improvements. We did it again.
Here is finally a new stable release.
In addition to trying even more to facilitate the user with features to help him use the application every day, we continued the work of checking the code, refactoring and solving bugs.
Here is the result of our work:
- Implementation of Crunzphp/Crunz v3.4.1 in Crunz-ui
- New section for the management of users authorized to access. Functionality enabled only for admin users
- New section for managing Crunz configuration directly from the interface. Functionality enabled only for admin users
- New section for analyzing tasks operation, system load, logs occupation and more
- Reorganization of Tasks' execution outcome list section to improve its ergonomics
- New functionality for cloning an already existing task in Tasks Table
- Refactoring of the task reading and management engine
- Statistics engine refactoring
- Advanced search: it is now possible to concatenate search parameters with "+" or select whether to carry out searches with case sensitive or not
- Several improvements, bug fixes and and code cleanup throughout the application
- Closes #20 #22
Minor release for bugfix
The release then adds minor fixes and features.
We love ergonomics
We have tried to give the user everything when it could be useful to use Crunz-ui in the simplest and most natural way possible.
In the meantime, we have continued to work on improving the code and fixing any bugs that were present.
Here is the result of our work:
- Dockerfile for setup of a Doker container complete with Crunz and Crunz-ui configured and ready to use
- Complete documentation on the installation and startup procedure via Docker
- Implementation of Lavary/Crunz v3.2.1 in Crunz-ui
- Light and dark theme switch
- Zoom control to have a better view of the tasks in Daily calendar section
- Introduction of a new section for the management of archived tasks (viewing, editing, deletion, recovery)
- Introduction of a new section that allows for the massive verification of the syntax of the tasks loaded on the system
- Introduction of an advanced search tool to Tasks' execution outcome list section. It is now possible to search for the results of specific tasks on dates and times of interest
- Updated documentation for installation and configuration
- Removed Swift mailer using Simphony mailer instead for Lavary/Crunz consistency
- Improvements in interface ergonomics
- System icons uniformed to material design icon
- Several improvements, bug fixes and and code cleanup throughout the application
- Demo environment for testing the application
Security update
Improved configurations for reading access to folders and the files they contain.
Happy new year.
Minor release for bugfix
This release closes the following issue:
Closes #18
Minor release for bugfix
New sections, engine updates, bug fixes and many improvements.
We have worked to improve the rendering performance of the interfaces and to improve the ergonomics.
We have added a new section which I think will be useful to better monitor the results of the tasks.
Here are the works we have done on the new stable version:
- Optimization of the task reading engine that now presents results faster and more efficiently
- Enabled, in the monthly and week task display interfaces, the possibility of viewing the execution logs also of executions prior to the last one.
- New section for viewing the history of task executions (allows you to access the log of individual executions, see the outcome and compare it with the log of the last execution)
- Multiple task upload in the task upload interface
- Larger log viewer and task editing screens to enhance user operations
- More understandable and meaningful labels
- Improvements in interface ergonomics
- Several improvements and bug fixes on all the code
- Fixes issue #9, #10 and #11
- Disable via parameter of the task syntax check, an operation that can slow down a lot of obsolete servers
- Introduction of the faq and troubleshooting page
- Updated documentation for installation and configuration
- Implementation of Crunz v3.0.1 in Crunz-ui
Some new minor features
Update list:
- Functionality for archiving disused tasks
- Task alive now also emails the IP on the internal network as well as the one on the external network
Many updates, bug fixes and improvements. We are proud to deploy it
Crunz-ui update stable release:
- Slim 4 library integration. Crunz-ui version 1 used version 3 of the Slim library
- Deploy of the new interface that allows loading of new tasks directly from the web interface through the embedded php editor
- Advanced management of high-frequency tasks (HFT), tasks that are carried out many times per hour. Previous version of Crunz-ui interface failed to display HFT crashing dashboard, daily and monthly view monthly view
- Environment Verification Panel Update. Additional controls and useful messages have been added
- Introduction of the event unique id which allows to uniquely identify the single task to be performed, improving log production operations
- More accurate analysis of tasks execution and reporting, in the Task Table section, of any scheduled but not executed tasks
- New default task testAlive that can be activated and used to notify the server's IP on Internet twice a day via email
- Several improvements and bugfixes on all the code