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Kaimos Editor v2.1
New version of Kaimos Editor (v2.1) with a new lighting system and important implementations on materials system. This version also features the biggest (and culminative) extension of the KME by adding a whole new big bunch of nodes of different types.
Changes from Last Version (v1.2)
Lighting System
- New Blinn-Phong Lighting system supporting directional and point lights
- Implementation of Normal & Specular Mapping in lighting calculations
- Light specularity & attenuation through radius with soft edges
Rendering System
- Improved rendering performance
- Unified things in Renderer instead of having them repeated in 2D/3D renderers
- Implemented Scene Color
- Implemented Shader uniform cache for performance
Materials System
- New feature for creation of new materials within the editor
- Normal Mapping Support
- Specular Mapping Support
- Single type of material supporting various rendering features at a time instead of various types of materials
- Default Material is now unmodifiable
- Implemented a Smoothness value for shininess of material
UI Changes
- Button & UI Methods to create new materials
- Reshape on MeshComponent UI
- New feature for creation of new materials within the editor
- Editor Window size on init is fullscreen now
- Implemented PointLight & DirLight components & its features (creation, deletion, switch, ...)
- Improved general UI & Fonts
- Display of FPS graphic
Resources & General Changes
- Improved resources serialization
- Implemented Editor Camera Serialization
- Improved messages on serialization/deserialization
Kaimos Material Editor
- Nodes spawned on mouse position
- Improved main node UI & Added Info Tooltip
- Different node types have now different header colors
- Fixed nan/infinite numbers on certain node values
- Made node pins bigger
- Implemented pins addition on operations nodes
- Improved input pins
- Implemented Maximization/Restore of KME window
- Improved and categorized Node Selector (right-click menu popup)
- Implemented new nodes (External/Constant Values): screen resolution, scene color, tau. ...
- Implemented new nodes (Camera Values): FOV, ...
- Implemented new nodes (Basic Maths): random number, subtraction, sum, multiplication, division, ...
- Implemented new nodes ('Advanced' Maths): absolute, square root, power, inverse equivalents, negate, log, exp, ...
- Implemented new nodes (Vectors): break, normalize, angle between two vectors, rotation, dot & cross products, distance ...
- Implemented new nodes (Other Maths): clamp, ceil, floor, lerp, step, smoothstep, mod ...
- Implemented new nodes (Trigonometry): sine, cosine, tangent, hyperbolic equivalents, ...
- Implemented new nodes (Conversions): Int-Float, Rad-Deg, RGB-HSV, Colors Normalization, linear-sRGB, ...