This repository contains the artifacts for Phase 2 of our database project for the Fall 2023 Database Design course. Our goal is to transform the conceptual model developed in Phase 1 into a relational and physical model to implement a fully functional database system.
Updated Conceptual Model: Refinements based on Phase 1 feedback and additional requirements. Relational Model: A detailed relational schema representing our database structure. Normalization: Ensuring data integrity through normalization up to BCNF. Physical Model: Implementation details using Vertabelo for physical database design. SQL Scripts: Scripts for database creation, schema definition, and data manipulation. Python Scripts: Utility scripts to interact with the database, implementing user stories.
- Clone the repository: git clone [repository-url]
- Install required Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up your database using the SQL scripts provided in the sql directory.
- Populate the database with initial data from the data directory CSV files.
- Run Python scripts in the scripts directory to test user story implementations.
/conceptual_model: Updated ER diagrams and conceptual models. /relational_model: Relational schema files and documentation. /sql: SQL scripts for database setup and initial data loading. /data: Sample data files in CSV format. /scripts: Python scripts for executing database queries and operations. /documentation: Additional project documentation and user stories.
Collaborators: Eun Seok Kim