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Super::Flux is a high performance framework for creating producers and consumers using Kafka. It's intended to be used with the Super toolchain but it can be used separately in any application.


# Gemfile
gem 'super-flux'

If you want to add compression (ex: lz4), make sure to add any dependencies to your Gemfile. Example:

gem 'extlz4'


Super::Flux allows you to set global Kafka adapter and producer options so that you don't have to manually set up everything. If you need to use custom adapters (ex: if you using multiple Kafka clusters), you may do so by injecting those directly into the classes you wish to customize.

# config/initializers/super-flux.rb

Super::Flux.configure do |config|
  config.kafka = {
    brokers: Settings.kafka.brokers,
    client_id: Settings.kafka.client_id

  config.producer_options = {
    max_buffer_size: Settings.kafka.max_buffer_size,
    compression_codec: Settings.kafka.compression_codec,
    required_acks: Settings.kafka.required_acks



Super::Flux provides an easy to use and extensive framework for creating topic-specific producers. These auto-boot when first used in a thread safe way and automatically flush pending messages both regularly and if the internal buffer overloads.

class AwesomeProducer
  include Super::Flux::Producer

  topic 'awesome'

AwesomeProducer.produce('MESSAGE', partition_key: 'KEY')


Super::Flux provides an easy way to define tasks that process Kafka messages. Furthermore, retries are automatically processed using multiple retry topics. Reference: Building Reliable Reprocessing and Dead Letter Queues with Apache Kafka.

# app/kafka/awesome_task.rb

class AwesomeTask
  include Super::Flux::Task

  topic 'awesome' # input topic
  group_id 'magnificent-5' # Consumer Group
  retries 5 # maximum number of retries

  def call(message)

Example usage for a simple task with 5 retries (6 stages including the Dead Letter Queue):

Running the main stage:

$ bundle exec flux process --load ./config/boot.rb --stages 0 AwesomeTask

Running retry stages:

$ bundle exec flux process --load ./config/boot.rb --stages 1-6 AwesomeTask

Running all stages:

$ bundle exec flux process --load ./config/boot.rb AwesomeTask

NOTE: For high throughput applications you should consider running the main stage and the retry stages separately. The main stage is not throttled so this allows for maximum consumption speed.


By default an exponential backoff strategy will be used to throttle retries. The approximate wait times are:

Stage #1: ~45 seconds wait time
Stage #2: ~1.2 minutes wait time, ~2.0 minutes total wait time
Stage #3: ~2.6 minutes wait time, ~4.5 minutes total wait time
Stage #4: ~5.7 minutes wait time, ~10.2 minutes total wait time
Stage #5: ~12.1 minutes wait time, ~22.4 minutes total wait time
Stage #6: ~23.5 minutes wait time, ~45.9 minutes total wait time
Stage #7: ~42.2 minutes wait time, ~1.5 hours total wait time
Stage #8: ~1.2 hours wait time, ~2.6 hours total wait time
Stage #9: ~1.9 hours wait time, ~4.5 hours total wait time
Stage #10: ~2.8 hours wait time, ~7.3 hours total wait time
Stage #11: ~4.1 hours wait time, ~11.5 hours total wait time
Stage #12: ~5.8 hours wait time, ~17.3 hours total wait time
Stage #13: ~8.0 hours wait time, ~1.1 days total wait time
Stage #14: ~10.7 hours wait time, ~1.5 days total wait time
Stage #15: ~14.1 hours wait time, ~2.1 days total wait time
Stage #16: ~18.3 hours wait time, ~2.9 days total wait time
Stage #17: ~23.3 hours wait time, ~3.8 days total wait time
Stage #18: ~1.2 days wait time, ~5.0 days total wait time
Stage #19: ~1.5 days wait time, ~6.6 days total wait time
Stage #20: ~1.9 days wait time, ~8.4 days total wait time
Stage #21: ~2.3 days wait time, ~10.7 days total wait time
Stage #22: ~2.7 days wait time, ~13.4 days total wait time
Stage #23: ~3.2 days wait time, ~16.6 days total wait time
Stage #24: ~3.8 days wait time, ~20.5 days total wait time
Stage #25: ~4.5 days wait time, ~25.0 days total wait time