MagLab Metadata hub is a part of the High Magnetic Field Science Toolset (LANL Copyright No. C20099):
The Maglab Metadata Hub maintains the metadata associated with the Maglab users' projects. The actual framework architecture consists of 3 independent parts – a server (Hub) which contains the user projects info, a data acquisition client module to read the project info from the Hub, and an optional library to push the acquired experimental data and metadata to the Open Science Framework (OSF). The Hub provides the GUI web interface and the API to access the project metadata and to synchronize the captured data and metadata to the OSF repository.
- Instalation summary
** consult with for red hat linux example of java, maven, and nginx install.
** install JAVA 8
** compile souce code with Maven
- Register your application with OSF
login to OSF
go to Developer APPS tab and click "Create Developer APP button":
and enter your server information:
- Edit configuration
edit src/main/resources/ with your custom parameters:
osf.callback = https://<hostname>/rest/callback
maglabfairdata.clientID = a7****d36acb8b7d2b5f28246
maglabfairdata.clientSecret = Oi****peigyMLlmcpIX61xmcNIAGuLCpCcayFdn
cal.facility=Pulsed Field
(for all records, specify cal.facility=all )
edit src/main/resources/ and with
proxy settings.
- Compile
mvn clean install
- Database configuration
application uses sqlite db
schema sql at src/main/resources/pulsefacility.sql
sample db included ./pulsefacility.db
to go to db cli:
sqlite3 pulsefacility.db
- How to run
change permissions to executable
chmod +x
nohup ./ > out2.txt &
see how to config application to run as service on linux.
Base url for API: http://localhost:8085/rest/
- Gives current experiment for the station in "application/json" format
- https://localhost:8085/rest/now/[station]
GET https://localhost:8085/rest/now/Cell_1
"title":"Interfacial Superconductivity in Bi2Te3/FeTe Heterostructures under High Magnetic Fields",
"magnet_System":"65 T Multi shot 25 mS (Short Pulse)",
"proposal_Title":"Interfacial Superconductivity in Bi2Te3/FeTe Heterostructures under High Magnetic Fields",
"facility":"Pulsed Field",
"pi":"Cui-Zu Chang",
"summary":"P19621-E004-PF; PI: Cui-Zu Chang; Support: John Singleton, Laurel Winter",
"support":"John Singleton, Laurel Winter",
- Gives current experiment for the station with specified start date in json format
- https://localhost:8085/rest/[date]/[station]
GET https://localhost:8085/rest/20210608/Cell_4
- Gives list of all experiments from start to end in json format
- Initiates a osf form that asks the user to grant authorization for application to sync data.
GET https://localhost:8085/rest/auth?expid=P19635-E002-PF&station=Cell_4
- Initiates a logoff of user from osf
GET http://localhost:8085/rest/logoff?expid=P19635-E002-PF&station=Cell_4
- Check user authorization status
GET https://localhost:8085/rest/status?expid=P19635-E002-PF&station=Cell_4
- Submit file stream
PUT https://hostname:8085/rest/updatefile?name=p004_113021.tdms&expid=P19635-E002-PF&station=Cell_4
- Submit wiki update for current experiment for the station
PUT https://hostname:8085/rest/updatewiki?name=p004_113021.tdms&expid=P19635-E002-PF&station=Cell_4
A LabVIEW client module example can be found at
- Lyudmila Balakireva [email protected]