SitemapStream is a simple and fast tool that build sitemaps using streams.
It automatically creates separated files, following the Google specifications
You can find information about the sitemap's syntax here (you'll find the authorized values the #inject method can receive).
- This package respects the semver and the keep a changelog specifications.
- This module's code is using ES6 features, so you'll probably need to run your application with the flag --harmony (depending to your Node version).
npm i sitemap-stream
sitemapDirectoryUrl: String,
limit: Number, // (default: 50000)
isMobile: Boolean, // (default: false)
outputFolder: String // (default: './')
toCompress: Boolean // (default: true)
Url Case:
// The url
Options Case:
url: String, // (required)
changeFreq: String,
priority: String
Useful if you want to start writing a new sitemap using the same SitemapStream instance
SitemapStream use streams, so it emit events to let you know what happens. Here are the events you can listen to:
sg.on('error', err => {
console.error(`Something wrong happened: ${err}`);
let i = 0;
function injectUrls() {
while (i<1000000) {
const isInjected = sg.inject(`http://test-${i}.com`);
if (!isInjected) return i;
sg.on('drain', () => {`Because we have injected a big amount of lines in a short time, the stream could need to be drained, in this case, the sg#inject method returns false and the drain event is emitted when the stream is ready to write again`);
sg.on('sitemap-created', path => {`A sitemap file has just been written here: ${path}`);
sg.on('sitemap-index', path => {`A sitemapindex file has just been written here: ${path}`);
sg.on('done', nbFiles => {`The job is done, we have written ${nbFiles} files !`);
const sg = require('sitemap-stream')();
sg.inject({ url: '/another-path' });
sg.inject({ url: '/my-last-path', changeFreq: 'daily', priority: 0.7 });
With options
const sg = require('sitemap-stream')({ isMobile: true });
sg.inject({ url: '/another-path' });
sg.inject({ url: '/my-last-path', changeFreq: 'daily', priority: 0.7 });
With Events
const sg = require('sitemap-stream')();
sg.on('sitemap-created', (fileName) => {
// This listener will be trigger twice, one when the first 50 000 urls will be injected, and another time when you'll call the #done method
console.log('A sitemap has been created !');
sg.on('sitemapindex-index', () => {
// When listener will be trigger once the sitemapindex file will be written
console.log('The sitemapindex has been created, we are done !');
sg.on('done', () => {'Everything is done !');
for (let i=0; i<60000; i++) sg.inject(`/some-path-${i}`);