Binary classification problem to detect if a mushroom is poisonous or edible.
Data from UCI Machine Learning Repository
This dataset includes 61069 hypothetical mushrooms with caps based on 173 species (353 mushrooms per species). Each mushroom is identified as definitely edible, definitely poisonous, or of unknown edibility and not recommended (the latter class was combined with the poisonous class).
One binary class divided in edible=e and poisonous=p (with the latter one also containing mushrooms of unknown edibility).
Twenty remaining variables (n: nominal, m: metrical)
- cap-diameter (m): float number in cm
- cap-shape (n): bell=b, conical=c, convex=x, flat=f, sunken=s, spherical=p, others=o
- cap-surface (n): fibrous=i, grooves=g, scaly=y, smooth=s, shiny=h, leathery=l, silky=k, sticky=t, wrinkled=w, fleshy=e
- cap-color (n): brown=n, buff=b, gray=g, green=r, pink=p, purple=u, red=e, white=w, yellow=y, blue=l, orange=o, black=k
- does-bruise-bleed (n): bruises-or-bleeding=t,no=f
- gill-attachment (n): adnate=a, adnexed=x, decurrent=d, free=e, sinuate=s, pores=p, none=f, unknown=?
- gill-spacing (n): close=c, distant=d, none=f
- gill-color (n): see cap-color + none=f
- stem-height (m): float number in cm
- stem-width (m): float number in mm
- stem-root (n): bulbous=b, swollen=s, club=c, cup=u, equal=e, rhizomorphs=z, rooted=r
- stem-surface (n): see cap-surface + none=f
- stem-color (n): see cap-color + none=f
- veil-type (n): partial=p, universal=u
- veil-color (n): see cap-color + none=f
- has-ring (n): ring=t, none=f
- ring-type (n): cobwebby=c, evanescent=e, flaring=r, grooved=g, large=l, pendant=p, sheathing=s, zone=z, scaly=y, movable=m, none=f, unknown=?
- spore-print-color (n): see cap color
- habitat (n): grasses=g, leaves=l, meadows=m, paths=p, heaths=h, urban=u, waste=w, woods=d
- season (n): spring=s, summer=u, autumn=a, winter=w