This project contains UI tests for
The project uses Selenium framework, Crawler4J and REST Assured for UI tests . The tests can be run in GUI or headless mode. UI browser has been configured with Firefox using gecodriver and tested with Firefox 56.0 (64 bit) on Windows. Headless mode works with PhantomJS and HtmlUnit browsers.
The default configuration executes tests with headless mode in windows environment and target URL is The configuration can be changed using following properties:
- - environment variable to either "headless-browser" and "ui-browser"
- target.env - environment variable should be set to "win" or "linux" for headless browser
- base.url - to target base URL, for example
These can be set as environment variables via the Eclipse run configuration.
Three Maven profiles are available for running tests:
- headless-browser-windows
- headless-browser-linux
- ui-brower-windows
The target URL for all profiles is The can be changed using following property
- base.url - to target base URL, for example
Available headless browsers
- PhantomJS (default)
- HtmlUnit
Headless browser can be configured using following system property
Run UpdateArticlesAndPagesLinks#updateLinks test for updataing list of articles and pages.
Following tags are available for running tests selectively. Refer Java docs in for details
- hourly
- daily
- weekly
- editorial
- github-related
- technical
URLs can be added to the follwoing file to skip a specific test from the bi-monthly build -
Set environment variable "LAUNCH_FLAG" to either true or false to set launch mode. Default is false
The tests are running here, on Jenkins
The tests which are crossed out are disabled.
Sr. | Test Name |
2 | givenOnTheHomePage_whenPageLoads_thenJavaWeeklyLinksMatchWithTheLinkText daily Verifies that the Java weekly issue links in the homepage point to correct URLs |
3 | givenOnTheHomePage_whenPageLoads_thenItContainsCategoriesInTheFooterMenu daily Verifies that the CATEGORY menu is available in the homepage footer |
4 | givenOnTheHomePageUrlWithoutWWWPrefix_whenUrlIsHit_thenItRedirectsToWWW daily If we hit, it should redirect to |
5 | givenOnTheHomePage_whenHomePageLoaded_thenNoSevereMessagesInBrowserLog daily This test looks for JS error in the browser console falling in server category |
6 | givenOnTheMicroservicesGuidePage_whenOptinPopupIsLoaded_thenItContainsImages daily This test verifies that the images are displayed properly on Download Guide popup in following URL - |
7 | givenArticleWithPopup_whenPopupOpens_thenPopupHasCloseButton daily This test checks that the pop-up, the one which auto lods, has close button on the following page - |
8 | givenTheArticleWithSeries_whenArticleLoads_thenPluginLoadsProperly daily Verifies the series plugin on the following page - |
9 | givenTheArticleWithPersistenceEBookDownload_whenPageLoads_thenFooterImageIsDisplayed daily This test checks that the image is displayed properly in the EBook download widget available at the end of following page - |
10 | givenTheArticleWithGoogleAnalytics_whenArticleLoads_thenArticleHasAnalyticsCode daily This test looks for the Google Analytics code in the following post - |
11 | givenThePageWithGoogleAnalytics_whenPageLoads_thenPageHasAnalyticsCode daily This test looks for the Google Analytics code in the following page - |
12 | givenBaeldungFeedUrl_whenUrlIsHit_thenItRedirectsToFeedburner daily Baeldung feed URL - should redirect to |
13 | givenTheCategoryPage_whenPageLoads_thenItContainsNoindexRobotsMeta daily For testing that the category pages should have a robots meta tag with noindex. Following URL is tested - |
14 | givenThePagesWithBlankTitle_whenPageLoads_thenItDoesNotContainNotitleText daily This test verifies that the pages which have no title set do not show invalid title - No Title. The test runs against a list of following five pages. , , , , |
15 | givenTheTagArticle_whenArticleLoads_thenItContainsNoindexRobotsMeta daily Verifies that the tag pages should have a robots meta tag with noindex. Following URL is tested - |
16 | givenOnTheHomePage_whenPageLoads_thenItHasOneAboutMenuInTheFooter daily The test verifies that exactly one ABOUT menu is available in the footer of Homepage |
17 | givenOnTheCoursePage_whenPageLoads_thenTrackingIsSetupCorrectly daily Verifies tracking on the course pages. Tracking details are here - |
18 | givenAllURLs_whenURlLoads_thenItReturns200OK weekly Loops over full list of posts & pages, and verifies that 200OK is returned |
19 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenItHasSingleShortcodeAtTheTop twice-a-month Technical This Test verifies that a single short code is available at the start of every post |
20 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenItHasSingleShortcodeAtTheEnd twice-a-month Technical Test verifies that a single short code is available at the start of every page |
21 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenArticleHasNoEmptyDiv twice-a-month Technical This test loops over all the articles and looks for empty div in code samples. |
22 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenImagesPointToCorrectEnv twice-a-month Technical Verifies that the images in the posts point to live env |
23 | givenAllPages_whenAPageLoads_thenImagesPointToCorrectEnv twice-a-month Technical Verifies that the images in the pages point to live env |
24 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenTheMetaDescriptionExists twice-a-month Editorial This test verifies that all posts have meta description defined |
25 | givenAllPages_whenAPageLoads_thenTheMetaDescriptionExists twice-a-month Editorial This test verifies that all pages have meta description defined |
26 | givenArticlesWithALinkToTheGitHubModule_whenTheArticleLoads_thenTheGitHubModuleLinksBackToTheArticle twice-a-month GitHub Related Almost every post has a link to GitHub module containing the working code. The test verifies that the linked GitHub module links back to the post. The test looks for a back-link in the, 1- URL linked from the Article 2- Master module (immediate child of /master) 3- Immediate parent of initial(1st) URL, 4- Immediate child of main repository (/eugenp or /Baeldung) |
27 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenTheAuthorIsNotFromTheExcludedList twice-a-month Editorial Loops over all the post and verifies that the author is not from the restricted list. Here is excluded list - |
28 | givenAnArticleWithTheDripScript_whenTheArticleLoads_thenTheArticleHasTheDripScrip daily Verifies the Drip script on |
29 | givenAPageWithTheDripScript_whenThePageLoads_thenThePageHasTheDripScrip daily Verifies the Drip script on |
30 | givenOnTheCoursePage_whenThePageLoads_thenAGeoIPApiProviderWorks daily This test loads and verifies that any of the following messages is logged in the browser console: VAT Calc Notice: geoIP API provider is set to ipdata VAT Calc Notice: geoIP API provider is set to VAT Calc Notice: geoIP API provider is set to |
31 | givenOnTheCoursePage_whenThePageLoadsInEUCountry_thenTheVATPricesAreShown daily This test loads with EU proxy and verifies that VAT prices are available. The test run on HtmlUnit browser |
32 | givenTheGitHubModuleReadme_theArticlesLinkedInTheGitHubMouduleLinkForwardTotheSameGitHubModule twice-a-month GitHub Related This test verifies that articles linked in GitHub READMEs link forward to the same GitHub module. The test also documents no of articles linked from READMEs. As of now, the test scans only tutorials ( repo. |
33 | givenTheGitHubModule_theModuleHasANonEmptyReadme twice-a-month GitHub Related This test verifies that GitHub modules have non empty README. A README not linking to an article is also considered empty. As of now, the test scans only tutorials( repo. |
34 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenMetaOGImageAndTwitterImagePointToTheAbsolutePath twice-a-month Technical This test verifies that image links in the og:image and twitter:image parameters are absolute. The rest runs on all the posts |
35 | givenAllPages_whenAPageLoads_thenMetaOGImageAndTwitterImagePointToTheAbsolutePath twice-a-month Technical This test verifies that image links in the og:image and twitter:image parameters are absolute. The test runs on all the pages |
36 | givenOnTheBaeldungRSSFeed_whenTheFirstUrlIsHit_thenItPointsToTheBaeldungSite daily This test verifies that the first link in the Baeldung RSS feed ( ) points to the |
37 | givenOnCoursePages_whenAPageLoads_thenItContainsImportantAnchors daily This test verifies that the LSS and RWS course pages contain following anchors: #table #master-class #certification-class |
38 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenTheArticleDoesNotCotainWrongQuotations twice-a-month Editorial This test verifies that the articles does not contain ”> or ”"> characters |
39 | givenAllTheArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenJavaClassesAndMethodsCanBeFoundOnGitHub on-demand This test verifies that the Java Classs, Interfaces and Methods match with the code on the GitHub. Job link: |
40 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenTheArticleHasProperTitleCapitalization twice-a-month Editorial This test verifies that first character of every word in titles has capital case. |
41 | givenTheBaeldungMediaKitURL_whenPageLoads_thenItReturns200OK daily This test verifies that Baeldung Media Kit URL returns 200OK. Media Kit URL - |
42 | givenAllArticles_whenAnalyzingCategories_thenTheArticleDoesNotContainUnnecessaryCategory twice-a-month Editorial This test reports posts having Spring as well as one or more of following labels: Spring Security SpringBoot Spring Cloud Spring Web Spring MVC |
44 | givenAllArticles_whenAnalyzingCodeBlocks_thenCodeBlocksAreRenderedProperly twice-a-month Technical This test looks for <pre> tags having brush css class. These tags could be found in the page if code blocks are not rendered properly. |
45 | givenArticlesWithALinkToTheGitHubModule_whenTheArticleLoads_thenTheArticleTitleAndGitHubLinkMatch twice-a-month GitHub Related This test verified that Article Title match with the link given in the GitHub Module. |
46 | givenAllArticles_whenAnalyzingCodeBlocks_thenCodeBlocksAreRenderedProperly twice-a-month Technical This test verifies that all GitHub links in articles return 200OK |
47 | givenAllArticles_whenAnArticleLoads_thenItDoesNotContainOverlappingText twice-a-month Technical The test looks for overlapping text in the all posts |
48 | givenAllPages_whenAPageLoads_thenItDoesNotContainOverlappingText twice-a-month Technical The test looks for overlapping text in the all pages |
49 | givenTheBaeldungRSSFeed_whenAnalysingFeed_thenItIsUptoDate daily Technical The test loads, and verifies that the RSS feed is up to date. |
50 | givenURLsWithAnchorsLinkingWithinSamePage_whenAnaysingPage_thenAnHtmlElementExistsForEachAnchor daily This test verifies that page has HTHML elements corresponding to anchors linking within same page. The test reads test data from |
51 | givenTheContactForm_whenAMessageIsSubmitted_thenItIsSentSuccessfully daily This test verifies that contact form works fine. The test runs on HtmlUnit browser. |