A command-line tool that encrypts and decrypts files using symmetric encryption algorithms.
Note: Make sure you have GO installed on your system
Clone the repo on your system
Create a config file in your home directory to store an encryption key (must be a string of 32-byte length)
touch ~/.cipher_cli.yaml
- Create the key in the file:
SECRET_KEY: "this_must_be_of_32_byte_length!!"
In the project directory run the following commands:
go mod install
go install
go build
Once you have set up the project on your system, you can access the crypto
crypto encrypt ~/Desktop/names.txt --path=/Users/luka/Desktop/names-encrypted.txt
- The argument
is the path of the file you want to be encrypted. - The path flag
is where you want to store the encrypted file result.
crypto decrypt ~/Desktop/names-encrypted.txt --path=/Users/luka/Desktop/names.txt
- The argument
is the path of the file you want to be decrypted. - The path flag
is where you want to store the decrypted file result.
The path flag must be the full system path of where you want to store the result of the operation. The file is not required to exist, but the path must be valid.
If you have any feature requests, updates, or problems please let me know. Any collaborators and contributors are all welcome!!!