- The server code lives in the root directory with the main entry point in main.py
- It is a flask application with a sqlite database named hacktrent.db in
- The server's development environment is in a docker container as well, defined in the Dockerfile
- NOTE: Make sure python is installed on your system
Mac/Linux Setup
python -m .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
create the .env file with secrets
gunicorn --reload -w 4 -b "main:create_app()"
Windows Setup
python -m venv .venv
pip install requirements.txt
create the .env file with secrets
waitress-serve --host= --port=8001 main:app
- NOTE: Make sure docker is installed on your system
Run the Server Container
docker build -t server-image -f .\docker\dockerfiles\Dockerfile .
docker run -d -p 8001:8000 -v /db/hacktrent.db --name hack-trent-server-app server-image
Run the Model Container
- (Create a migration repo): flask --app main:create_app db init
- (Create a db migration): flask --app main:create_app db migrate -m "users table"
- (Apply the migration changes to the db): flask --app main:create_app db upgrade
- The client code lives inside the client directory
- With the server code running open another terminal session to get started
- In the root directory:
cd client
npm i
npm run dev