- ✍️ Description
- 🖥 Example
- 🎟 Demo
- 🔨 Customization
- 💻 How to use
⚠️ Requirements- 💪 Contribute
The PaginationController
provides the logic to paginate through a list with limited request results. It also provides a TableViewPaginationController
that adds and removes a loading view to the tableFooterView
class ViewController: UITableViewController {
var items: [String] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
paginationController = TableViewPaginationController(tableView: tableView) { previousPage, callback in
// Imagine an API call being made here.
self.loadMore(after: previousPage) { page in
self.items += page?.results ?? []
You can find this demo app in this repository.
Custom Loading View:
If you want to show your own loading view you can use any UIView
conforming to the LoadingAnimatable
protocol described here.
Pass it to the initializer:
paginationController = TableViewPaginationController(loadingView: MyLoadingView(), ...)
Or set the property:
paginationController.loadingView = MyLoadingView()
Check out the Demo
is available on Cocoapods. Just put following line in your Podfile
pod 'PaginationKit'
Swift Package Manager:
Add the following to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/lukaswuerzburger/PaginationKit.git", from: "1.0.0")
- Swift 5+
- iOS 10+
- Xcode 11+
Issues and pull requests are welcome.