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Sequent Core

Sequent Core is a GHC plugin library based on a sequent calculus. It includes:

  • A set of datatypes for a language expressing function code as interactions between values and their contexts (continuations)
  • A library for writing GHC optimizer plugins using the Sequent Core language in place of the built-in Core language
  • Example plugins written using Sequent Core

At the moment, this library is highly experimental. We would appreciate any feedback at [email protected].


Like most functional languages and λ-calculi, GHC's Core language emphasizes values. An insight of the study of sequent calculi is that just as important are contexts—we can see computation as an interaction between a value and its context. Since the properties of a term, such as strictness, often depend on its context, giving them equal footing in an AST gives an analysis more information where it's needed, potentially allowing for significant savings in the size and complexity of optimization passes and other transforms.

This library reformulates the Core language as a sequent calculus, which we call Sequent Core. We provide faithful translations between Core and Sequent Core so that passes operating on Sequent Core can be first-class citizens alongside traditional Core-to-Core passes. To this end, we also provide a simple wrapper for writing a GHC plugin using only the Sequent Core representation of module code.


After type-checking, GHC distills Haskell code down to a basic language, simply called Core. A typical bit of (simplified) Core code might be this:

case f x y of
  True -> g x
  False -> y

If this expression is evaluated, what is the first thing that will happen? This is not a simple question, especially in Haskell. As this case is strict, we know that the scrutinee f x y must be evaluated. (In fact, in Core (but not in Haskell), every case is strict.) As function calls are strict in the function being called, this forces f x and, in turn, f. So the first action is to evaluate f.

In analyzing Core code, generally one proceeds by recursion, top to bottom. But the particular context of the current expression is often crucial—above, we needed to know that f x y is being forced to conclude that f will be evaluated. Thus the recursive calls need to maintain information about the outer structure (much as a zipper does). But each recursive function then has to invent its own representation of a context! Thus simple tasks that recognize patterns in the code often require substantial ad-hoc bookkeeping.

We would prefer to write the above code like this:

compute p. <f | $ x
              ; $ y
              ; case of
                  True -> <g | $ x; ret p >
                  False -> <y | ret p>>

We will explicate this syntax shortly, but the basic idea is apparent: We perform a computation in some context we call p. The top of the term says what to do first, namely evaluate f. Next, we apply that value to x, and then apply that value to y. Then, we perform a case analysis on that result. In the True case, we evaluate g, apply x to it, then return; in the False case, we evaluate y and return it directly. In either case, the return sends the returned value to the context p.



The essential term in Sequent Core is the command. It encompasses:

  1. A term—usually a variable or a lambda
  2. A continuation—the context of the term, i.e. the operations being performed on it
  3. A list of bindings in scope, each naming a suspended computation

The general syntax we use to represent a command looks like this, where t is a term, k is a continuation, and bs is a series of bindings (some of which may be mutually recursive blocks):

let bs in <t | k>

If there are no bindings, we leave off the let ... in.


Just as with CPS, each λ-abstraction has an extra argument to bind a continuation---the context in which the function is called. Passing a value to this continuation thus determines the result of the function call.


Applying a function to an argument is accomplished with an App continuation, which specifies an argument for the computed function. We use the notation $ t; k, where t is some argument and k is the outer continuation. Thus, if the context is bound as p, then

f x y

is expressed as:

<f | $ x; $ y; ret p>.

This can be read as “Take f and apply it to x, then apply that to y, then return that to p.”

The argument specified is some term. However, a term can be a Compute form, which wraps a command. Since our semantics is call-by-name, this command will remain unevaluated until forced.

So a slightly more complicated example would be:

f (g x) (h y)

which becomes:

<f | $ compute q. <g | $ x; ret q>
   ; $ compute q. <h | $ y; ret q>
   ; ret p>

Case Analysis

To use a value of a data type, one performs a case analysis. In Sequent Core, we represent this by a Case continuation. Just as an App is an application missing the function, a Case is a case expression missing the scrutinee. The right-hand side of each case is a command.

case f x of
  Left  y -> g y
  Right z -> h z


<f | $ x
   ; case of
       Left  y -> <g | $ y; ret p>
       Right z -> <h | $ z; ret p>>

As before, Sequent Core emphasizes the execution order by putting the first action, the application of f to x, on top.

Let Bindings

A command describes an interaction between a value and a continuation. It is an action in progress. Of course, usually a Haskell program has a number of suspended computations as well, waiting to be activated on demand. Since these let-bound computations are not taking part, we don't include them in the term or computation part of the command; instead, each command carries a list of bindings with it. Hence:

let x = f y in g x z


  x = compute q. <f | $ y; ret q>
  <g | $ x; $ z; ret p>


There are a few odds and ends in Core that we must deal with in Sequent Core, since we aim to translate back and forth faithfully:

  • Types
    For simpler data structures, Core includes types as expressions. This allows, for instance, type abstraction and application to use the same Lam and App constructors as for terms. Thus we include Type as a constructor for Terms; it acts the same way it does in Core.
  • Coercions
    Similarly, Core includes coercion terms for doing type-safe casts, so they are Terms in Sequent Core as well.
  • Casts
    Coercions are used by cast expressions: The Core expression e `cast` γ is operationally the same as e, but its type is altered according to γ. We express a cast using a continuation, so if t is a term, compute p. <t | cast γ; ret p> is the Sequent Core form of t `cast` γ.
  • Ticks
    Finally, Core includes ticks, which are essentially markers for bookkeeping in the profiler. These wrap expressions, so we include them as continuations in a similar manner to casts.


Our data types divide the constructors of the Core datatype into the three types, Term, Kont, and Command. Thus the Sequent Core syntax is closely related to Core, making the translation relatively simple. Here are all the constructors of the original Core type, showing where we put each one:

Var Term
Lit Term
App Kont
Let Command
Case Kont
Cast Kont
Tick Kont
Type Term
Coercion Term

(As noted above, an application will be a simple Term if the function is a data constructor and there are enough arguments to saturate it.)

An Example

To get a feel for Sequent Core, let us consider a simple function, this tail-recursive sum:

sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum = sum' 0
    sum' :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
    sum' a []     = a
    sum' a (x:xs) = sum' (a+x) xs

Here is the Core that is generated by the desugarer (much simplified; to get more gory details, use GHC's -ddump-ds option):

Main.sum =
  letrec {
    sum' :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
    sum' =
      \ (a :: Int) (ds :: [Int]) ->
        case ds of _ {
          [] -> a;
          : x xs ->
            sum' (+ @Int $fNumInt a x) xs
        }; } in
  sum' (I# 0#)

Largely the structure remains intact, though Core rewrites while as let, makes recursive bindings explicit, etc. Also note that (+) is called with four arguments—types and constraints are turned into explicit arguments in Core. Finally, note that the zero is explicitly boxed; Core makes boxing and unboxing of primitives explicit as well.

Now for the Sequent Core version:

Main.sum =
         sum' :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
         sum' =
           \ (a :: Int) (ds :: [Int]) | (p :: Cont# Int) ->
             | case as _ of
                 [] -> <a | ret p>
                 x : xs ->
                     | $ compute (q :: Cont# Int).
                           | $ @Int
                           ; $ $fNumInt
                           ; $ a
                           ; $ x
                           ; ret q>
                     ; $ xs
                     ; ret p>>
   in compute (p :: Cont# (Int -> Int)).
              <sum' | $ (compute q. <I# | $ 0#; ret q>)
                    ; ret p>>

The Plugin Library

The Language.SequentCore.Plugin module provides a new way of writing GHC optimization plugins: Rather than write a function taking Core and producing Core, you can write your plugin as a function taking Sequent Core and producing Sequent Core, then use the sequentPass function to wrap it as a regular Core-to-Core pass.

Example Plugin

This package includes a simple plugin, Language.SequentCore.Dump, which does nothing but pretty-print the Sequent Core code to the console. (It is essentially ddump-ds but it outputs Sequent Core rather than Core.) There are three definitions in the module:

plugin :: Plugin
install :: [CommandLineOption] -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo]
showSequentCore :: [SeqCoreBind] -> CoreM [SeqCoreBind]

First, there is the plugin record:

plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin {
  installCoreToDos = install

Any GHC plugin must export a value called plugin of type Plugin (exported from the GhcPlugins library; see the imports in Dump.hs). The defaultPlugin record has suitable defaults, so we need only hook in our code. The installCoreToDos field is a hook that allows the plugin to modify the Core-to-Core pipeline, so that's what we set.

Next is the install function:

install :: [CommandLineOption] -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo]
install _ todos =
  do reinitializeGlobals
     return $ newPass : todos
    newPass  = CoreDoPluginPass "sequent-core-dump" passFunc
    passFunc = sequentPass showSequentCore

The install function must take a list of command-line arguments (we ignore these here) and a list of Core-to-Core passes, and return a modified list of passes. First, it must call GHC's reinitializeGlobals (as a workaround for a Windows-specific bug). Then it returns the pipeline with a new pass stuck onto the front. The pass is a CoreDoPluginPass, which we give the (arbitrary) name "sequent-core-dump", defined by the function passFunc. Here is where the Sequent Core library steps in: The sequentPass function, exported by Language.SequentCore.Plugin, wraps showSequentCore so that it operates on Core instead of Sequent Core.

Finally, we have the implementation of the pass itself:

showSequentCore :: [SeqCoreBind] -> CoreM [SeqCoreBind]
showSequentCore bs = do
  putMsg (ppr_binds_top bs)
  return bs

As advertised, the pass simply dumps the module's bindings to the console, then returns them unchanged. Now, if you have installed this package, you can see the Sequent Core for some module Module.hs by compiling it with the -fplugin flag:

$ ghc -c Module.hs -fplugin=Language.SequentCore.Dump

Hopefully this (and the Haddock documentation) should get you started writing optimization passes using Sequent Core. As this is all in a very early state, we would appreciate any feedback or ideas at [email protected]. Thanks!

Luke Maurer
Paul Downen
Iavor S. Diatchki


Alternative Core language for GHC plugins







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