This is the code base behind the Bachelor's thesis "Revisiting Authenticated Denial of Existence in Internet Naming Systems".
- bloomsec_nsec5 and bloomfile_nsec5: ZA and NS supporting BloomSEC with NSEC5 as backup
- sign_nsec5 and file_nsec5: ZA and NS supporting NSEC5
- sign_nsec3 and file_nsec3: ZA and NS supporting NSEC3
- bloomsec and bloomfile: ZA and NS supporting BloomSEC with NSEC as backup
All implementations are prototype versions and originate from the existing plugins sign and file. For more information view the thesis.
All contributions are in the directory "evaluation" or "memusage".
- Corefiles instantiating different configurations
- shell script to measure message size, latency, throughput, memory/cpu footprint
- data from conducted experiments
- python scripts to create plots from data