A CLI for handling shared build and deploy tools between many projects no matter what technologies the project is using.
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is a CLI for handling shared build and deploy tools between many projects no matter what technologies the project is using.
DISCLAIMER: shuttle is in its alpha stage and is not yet production ready. Expect the APIs to change.
Projects that use shuttle
are always referencing a shuttle plan
. A plan describes what can be done with shuttle. Fx:
# plan.yaml file
description: Build the docker image
- name: tag
required: true
- shell: docker -f $plan/Dockerfile build -t (shuttle get docker.image):$tag
description: Run test for the project
- shell: go test
The plan.yaml
is located at the root of the plan directory which is located elsewhere of the actual project using it. The plan directory can be locally stored or in a git repository. The directory structure could be something like:
└───moon-base # project
│ │ shuttle.yaml # project specific shuttle.yaml file
│ │ main.go
└───station-plan # plan to be shared by projects
│ plan.yaml
│ Dockerfile
To use a plan a project must specify the shuttle.yaml
plan: ../the-plan
image: earth-united/moon-base
With this in place a docker image can be built:
$ cd workspace/moon-base
$ shuttle run build tag=v1
- Fetch shuttle plans from git repositories
- Create any script you like in the plan
- Overwrite scripts in local projects when they defer from the plan
- Write templates in plans and overwrite them in projects when they defer
- ...
Documentation is coming
curl -LO https://github.com/lunarway/shuttle/releases/download/$(curl -Lso /dev/null -w %{url_effective} https://github.com/lunarway/shuttle/releases/latest | grep -o '[^/]*$')/shuttle-darwin-amd64
chmod +x shuttle-darwin-amd64
sudo mv shuttle-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/shuttle
curl -LO https://github.com/lunarway/shuttle/releases/download/$(curl -Lso /dev/null -w %{url_effective} https://github.com/lunarway/shuttle/releases/latest | grep -o '[^/]*$')/shuttle-linux-amd64
chmod +x shuttle-linux-amd64
sudo mv shuttle-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/shuttle
Used to get a variable defined in shuttle.yaml
$ shuttle get some.variable
> some variable content
$ shuttle get does.not.exist
> # nothing
It is possible to easily check if a variable or script is defined
shuttle has some.variable
shuttle has --script integration
Output is either statuscode=0 if variable is found or statuscode=1 if variables isn't found. The output can also be a stdout boolean like
$ shuttle has my.docker.image --stdout
> false
See the releases for more information on changes between releases.