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LLGo autogen tool for C/C++ libraries


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llcppg - LLGo autogen tool for C/C++ libraries

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How to install

This project depends on LLGO's C ecosystem integration capability, and some components of this tool must be compiled with LLGO. For LLGO installation, please refer to:

brew install cjson # macos
apt-get install libcjson-dev # linux
llgo install ./_xtool/llcppsymg
llgo install ./_xtool/llcppsigfetch
go install ./cmd/llcppcfg
go install ./cmd/gogensig
go install .


llcppg.cfg file is a configure file used by llcppg. Once llcppg.cfg is generated then you can run llcppg command to generate go pacakge for the c/c++ lib.

llcppg [config-file]

If config-file is not specified, a llcppg.cfg file is used in current directory. Here's a demo configuration to generate LLGO bindings for cjson library:

  "name": "cjson",
  "cflags": "$(pkg-config --cflags libcjson)",
  "include": ["cJSON.h","cJSON_Utils.h"],
  "libs": "$(pkg-config --libs libcjson libcjson_utils)",
  "trimPrefixes": ["cJSONUtils_","cJSON_"],
  "cplusplus": false,
  "deps": ["c"],
  "mix": false

The configuration file supports the following options:

  • name: The name of the generated package
  • cflags: Compiler flags for the C/C++ library
  • include: Header files to include in the binding generation
  • libs: Library flags for linking
  • trimPrefixes: Prefixes to remove from function names & type names
  • cplusplus: Set to true for C++ libraries(not support)
  • deps: Dependencies (other packages & standard libraries)
  • mix: Set to true when package header files are mixed with other header files in the same directory. In this mode, only files explicitly listed in include are processed as package files.

After creating the configuration file, run:

llcppg llcppg.cfg

After execution, a Go project will be generated in a directory named after the config name (which is also the package name). For example, with the cjson configuration above, you'll see:

├── cJSON.go
├── cJSON_Utils.go
├── cjson_autogen_link.go
├── go.mod
└── go.sum

Import the generated cjson package and try this demo:

package main

import (

func main() {
	mod := cjson.CreateObject()
	mod.AddItemToObject(c.Str("hello"), cjson.CreateString(c.Str("llgo")))
	mod.AddItemToObject(c.Str("hello"), cjson.CreateString(c.Str("llcppg")))
	cstr := mod.PrintUnformatted()
	c.Printf(c.Str("%s\n"), cstr)

Run the demo with llgo run ., you will see the following output:


Generated Bindings

You can see that functions from the C header files have been automatically mapped and converted to corresponding LLGO binding functions.

Original C function:

CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateObject(void);

Converted to LLGO binding function:

//go:linkname CreateObject C.cJSON_CreateObject
func CreateObject() *CJSON 

The types defined in the header file are also converted, for example the cJSON struct:

Original C struct:

typedef struct cJSON
    struct cJSON *next;
    struct cJSON *prev;
    struct cJSON *child;
    int type;
    char *valuestring;
    int valueint;
    double valuedouble;
    char *string;
} cJSON;

Converted to Go struct:

type CJSON struct {
	Next        *CJSON
	Prev        *CJSON
	Child       *CJSON
	Type        c.Int
	Valuestring *int8
	Valueint    c.Int
	Valuedouble float64
	String      *int8

Notably, to make the API more idiomatic in Go, when a C function's first parameter is a converted type (like cJSON *), the function is automatically converted into a method of that type.

Original C function:

CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_AddItemToArray(cJSON *array, cJSON *item);

Converted to Go method:

// llgo:link (*CJSON).AddItemToObject C.cJSON_AddItemToObject
func (p *CJSON) AddItemToObject(string *int8, item *CJSON) CJSONBool {
	return 0

You can also observe the corresponding type name transformations. The generated file contains a mapping table from C types to Go type names (which will be used for package dependency handling). For the example above, the file looks like this, where the first field on the left is the C type and the first field on the right is the corresponding Go type name.

cJSON_Hooks Hooks
cJSON_bool Bool

You can customize these type mappings by editing this file (see Customizing Bindings).

Customizing Bindings

Function Customization

When you run llcppg directly with the above configuration, it will generate function names according to the configuration. After execution, you'll find a llcppg.symb.json file in the current directory.

    "mangle": "cJSON_CreateObject",
    "c++": "cJSON_CreateObject()",
    "go": "CreateObject"
    "mangle": "cJSON_AddItemToObject",
    "c++": "cJSON_AddItemToObject(cJSON *, const char *, cJSON *)",
    "go": "(*CJSON).AddItemToObject"
    "mangle": "cJSON_PrintUnformatted",
    "c++": "cJSON_PrintUnformatted(const cJSON *)",
    "go": "(*CJSON).PrintUnformatted"
  • mangle field contains the symbol name of function

  • c++ field shows the function prototype from the header file

  • go field displays the function name that will be generated in LLGO binding.

    You can customize this field to:

    1. Change function names (e.g. "CreateObject" to "Object" for simplicity)
    2. Remove the method receiver prefix to generate a function instead of a method

For example, to convert (*CJSON).PrintUnformatted from a method to a function, simply remove the (*CJSON). prefix in the configuration file:

    "mangle": "cJSON_PrintUnformatted",
    "c++": "cJSON_PrintUnformatted(const cJSON *)",
    "go": "PrintUnformatted"

This will generate a function instead of a method in the Go code:

//go:linkname PrintUnformatted C.cJSON_PrintUnformatted
func PrintUnformatted(item *CJSON) *int8

You can customize the generated bindings by modifying the llcppg.symb.json file.

After modifying the file, run llcppg again to apply your customized bindings.

The symbol table is generated by llcppsymg, which is internally called by llcppg to generate the symbol table as input for Go code generation.

You can also run llcppsymg separately to customize the symbol table before running llcppg. To do this, use the command:

llcppg -symbgen

If you only want to generate Go code using an already generated symbol table, execute:

llcppg -codegen

Type Customization

The file maintains type mapping relationships between C and Go. You can customize these mappings to better suit your needs. For instance, if you prefer to use JSON instead of cJSON as the Go type name, simply modify the file as follows:


After running llcppg again, all generated code will use the new type name. The struct definition and its methods will be automatically updated:

type JSON struct {
  // .....
// llgo:link (*JSON).PrintBuffered C.cJSON_PrintBuffered
func (recv_ *JSON) PrintBuffered(prebuffer c.Int, fmt Bool) *int8 {
	return nil

More demo projects and configuration files can be found under _llcppgtest directory.

Header File Concepts

In the llcppg.cfg, the include field specifies the list of interface header files to be converted. These header files are the primary source for generating Go code, and each listed header file will generate a corresponding .go file.

  "name": "xslt",
  "cflags": "$(pkg-config --cflags libxslt)",
  "include": [

Package Header File Determination

llcppg determines whether a header file belongs to the current package based on the following rules:

  1. Interface header files: Header files explicitly listed in the include field
  2. Implementation header files: Other header files in the same root directory as interface header files

For example, if the configuration includes libxslt/xslt.h, and this file contains #include "xsltexports.h", then:

  • xslt.h is an interface header file, which will generate xslt.go
  • xsltexports.h is an implementation header file, whose content will be generated into xslt_autogen.go

Header files that don't belong to the current package (such as standard libraries or third-party dependencies) won't be directly converted but are handled through dependency relationships.

Special Case: Mixed Header Files

For cases where package header files are mixed with other header files in the same directory (such as system headers or third-party libraries), you can handle this by setting mix: true:

  "mix": true

In this case, only header files explicitly declared in the include field are considered package header files, and all others are treated as third-party header files. Note that in this mode, implementation header files of the package also need to be explicitly declared in include, otherwise they will be treated as third-party header files and won't be processed.

This is particularly useful in scenarios like Linux systems where library headers might be installed in common directories (e.g., /usr/include/sqlite3.h alongside system headers like /usr/include/stdio.h).


llcppg does not convert header files outside of the current package, including any referenced third-party or standard library headers. Instead, it manages cross-package type references and ensures conversion consistency through the deps declaration in llcppg.cfg, which must include standard library types as well.


Dependency Package Structure

Each dependency package follows a unified file organization structure (using xml2 as an example):

  • Converted Go source files
  1. HTMLtree.go (generated from HTMLtree.h)
  2. HTMLparser.go (generated from HTMLparser.h)
  • Configuration files
  1. llcppg.cfg (dependency information)
  2. (type mapping information)

Dependency Handling Logic

  1. llcppg scans each dependency package's file to obtain type mappings.
  2. If the dependency package's llcppg.cfg also contains deps configuration, llcppg will recursively process these dependencies.
  3. Type mappings from all dependency packages are loaded and registered into the conversion project. When a header file in the current project references types from third-party packages, it directly searches within the current conversion project scope
  • If a mapped type is found, it is referenced;
  • Otherwise, the user is notified of the missing type and its source header file for conversion.

Special Dependency Aliases

In llcppg, there is a consistent pattern for naming aliases related to the standard library. Any alias that starts with c/ corresponds to a remote repository in the

For example:

  • The alias
  • The alias c/
  • The alias c/

Note: Standard library type conversion in llgo is not comprehensive. For standard library types that cannot be found in llgo, you will need to supplement these types in the corresponding package at


You can specify dependent package paths in the deps field of llcppg.cfg . For example, in the _llcppgtest/libxslt example, since libxslt depends on libxml2, its configuration file looks like this:

  "name": "libxslt",
  "cflags": "$(pkg-config --cflags libxslt)",
  "libs": "$(pkg-config --libs libxslt)",
  "deps": ["c/os",""],

In libxslt/xsltutils.h, there are dependencies on libxml2's xmlChar and xmlNodePtr:

#include <libxml/dict.h>
#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
xmlChar * xsltGetNsProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *nameSpace);

If xmlChar and xmlNodePtr mappings are not found (not declare llcppg-libxml in deps), llcppg will notify the user of these missing types and indicate they are from libxml2 header files. The corresponding notification would be:

convert /path/to/include/libxml2/libxml/xmlstring.h first, declare its converted package in llcppg.cfg deps for load [xmlChar].
convert /path/to/libxml2/libxml/tree.h first, declare its converted package in llcppg.cfg deps for load [xmlNodePtr].

For this project, llcppg will automatically handle type references to libxml2. During the process, llcppg uses the file from the generated libxml2 package to ensure type consistency. You can see this in the generated code, where libxslt correctly references libxml2's types:

package libxslt

import (
//go:linkname XsltGetNsProp C.xsltGetNsProp
func XsltGetNsProp(node libxml_2_0.XmlNodePtr, name *libxml_2_0.XmlChar, nameSpace *libxml_2_0.XmlChar) *libxml_2_0.XmlChar

Important Note on Header File Ordering

llcppg follows C language's dependency resolution order when processing header files. The order of files in the includes configuration determines the processing sequence, and incorrect ordering can lead to type resolution failures. Here's an example from the LZMA library that demonstrates the dependency relationships:


typedef uint64_t lzma_vli;


 * \file        lzma/filter.h
 * \brief       Common filter related types and functions
 * \note        Never include this file directly. Use <lzma.h> instead.
typedef struct {
    lzma_vli id;      // Uses lzma_vli from vli.h
    void *options;
} lzma_filter;


 * \file        lzma.h
 * \brief       Main LZMA library header
#include "lzma/vli.h"
#include "lzma/filter.h"

Since llcppg processes headers in the order specified in the configuration, you need to list them in the correct dependency order:

✅ Correct ordering:

   "includes": ["lzma.h", "lzma/vli.h", "lzma/filter.h"]

❌ Incorrect ordering:

   "includes": ["lzma/filter.h", "lzma.h", "lzma/vli.h"]

The incorrect ordering will fail because filter.h uses the lzma_vli type before it's defined.

Translation Unit Processing

When processing headers with the correct ordering, llcppg employs a caching strategy:

  1. First, it creates a translation unit starting from lzma.h. During this process:

    • It follows normal C language parsing order for includes
    • When processing lzma/vli.h (included by lzma.h), the lzma_vli type definition is cached in this translation unit
    • When it reaches lzma/filter.h, the type references work correctly because lzma_vli is already defined in this translation unit
  2. For subsequent includes in the configuration:

    • When processing lzma/vli.h, llcppg creates a new translation unit
    • When reaching lzma/filter.h, if it was already processed in a previous translation unit (like the one starting from lzma.h), llcppg will use the cached version that has proper type resolution

This caching strategy ensures that type references are properly maintained when headers are processed in the correct order.

Development Tools

llcppcfg - Configuration Generator

llcppcfg [libname]

llcppcfg tool is used to generate llcppg.cfg file.


See llcppg Design.


LLGo autogen tool for C/C++ libraries







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  • Go 61.8%
  • C 38.1%
  • Other 0.1%