YGOPro v2 is a card simulation game created in Unity Engine, with same protocol to ygopro.
The game is now being tested in china now, with at least 100,000 users ( about 30% active users ), which is calculated from the downloads of our weekly updating packages.
We use Yu-Gi-Oh card game only to test our engine, and the game is not for commercial use. When our card game engine is finally finished in about several years, all the contents about Yu-Gi-Oh will be deleted.
The feedbacks is checked every day.
The pro2 AI is an lua AI reader with MR4. It can read all lua AI code.
The AI seems buggy now because it is not the excellent Percy AI. We will make effort to improve it.
Download Unity 5.1.3 (https://unity3d.com/cn/get-unity/download/archive).
Clone the repository.
Double click Assets\main.unity to open the solution.
In most case you do not need to care about the ocgcore wrapper.
Double click the YGOProUnity_V2/AI_core_vs2017solution/core.sln
build the c# solution in x64 and release mode and you get the System.Servicemodel.Faltexception.dll
copy it into YGOProUnity_V2\Assets\Plugins
Yes, the name of the dll is System.Servicemodel.Faltexception.dll, though it does nothing with c# system :p
In most case you do not need to care about the ocgcore.dll.
Double click the YGOProUnity_V2/AI_core_vs2017solution/core.sln
build the c++ solution in x64 and release mode and you get the ocgcore.dll
copy it into YGOProUnity_V2\Assets\Plugins