Convenient and standalone code snippets to interact with LSP standards.
Snippets were taken from LUKSO Tech Docs and work completely autonomously.
24 November 2023
(LUKSO Testnet)
├── convenience // Utility Functions
│ ├── Check Blockchain Addresses
│ └── Create Externally Owned Account
├── create-profile // Create UP
│ └── Create Universal Profile
├── extract-data // Extract LSP JSON
│ ├── Extract Data from Asset JSON
│ └── Extract Data from Profile JSON
├── fetch-asset // Fetch LSP7 & LSP8
│ ├── Fetch Owned Assets
│ ├── Fetch Asset Data
│ └── Complete Asset Guide
├── get-profile-data // Receive Profile Info
│ ├── Get the Data Keys
│ ├── Fetch the Metadata
│ ├── Fetch the Owned Assets
│ ├── Fetch the Issued Assets
│ └── Fetch the Universal Receiver
├── hardhat-deploy // SC Deployment Setup
│ ├── Sample Contract
│ └── Scripts
├── interface-detection // Verify SC Functionality
| └── ERC165 Interface Check
├── key-manager // Permission Management
│ ├── Manage 3rd party permissions (WIP)
│ ├── Get controller key (WIP)
│ └── Set UP Permissions to Address
├── metadata-detection // Verify SC Storage
| ├── Universal Profile Storage
| ├── Digital Asset Storage
| └── Vault Storage
├── transfer-lyx // Coin Transfer
│ └── Regular transaction (Extension)
│ └── Backend transaction (Smart Contract)
├── transfer-token // Token Transfer
│ └── Regular transaction (Extension)
│ └── Backend transaction (Smart Contract)
└── update-profile // Update UP
└── Complete Update Guide
: 0.19.0@lukso/lsp-factory.js
: 3.1.1@lukso/lsp-smart-contracts
: 0.11.1
@erc725/erc725.js only supports web3 up to version @1.10.0
Clone this repository and install its dependencies.
git clone
cd lukso-playground
npm install
Run the JavaScript code of one file within the terminal.
node [FILENAME].js
Open this project on StackBlitz and start coding right away.