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Making it easier to integrate services with good old WinAmp


  • Make it easier to write plugins and integrate services into WinAmp and WACUP

Installing plugins:

  • Put the ml_easysrv and in_easyfngetter plugins in the WACUP Plugins folder
  • Also put isrv_managed and isrv_web in the WACUP Plugins folder
  • Put any service plugins (esrv_\*.exe, msrv_\*.dll, srv_\*.dll, wsrv_\*.html) in the same folder
  • The services will be accessible in the Services tree of the Media Library

Using plugins (Instead of this, plugins can now provide their own custom UI):

  • Press the Invoke plugin button to interact with the selected service
  • Double click an entry in the list to play it
  • Alt + double click an entry in the list to enqueue it
  • Right click an entry for more options

Service plugin development:

  • Managed (.NET based) DLLs have to be named msrv_\*.dll and contain the msrv.EasyService class implementing the following:
    • public void InitService(Dictionary<string, object> functionDict, string pluginDir, uint serviceID)
      • functionDict contains the following functions:
        • string GetOption(string optionName, string defaultValue)
        • void SetOption(string optionName, string optionValue)
        • void SkinForm(Form form)
    • public Tuple<string, string, string, uint> GetNodeDesc() should return a tuple with the following information:
      • Category
      • Node name you wish to show in the Media Library
      • The column names you wish to show in the Media Library, delimited by \t
      • Capabilities (0):
        • const uint CAP_DEFAULT = 0; for no additional capabilities
        • const uint CAP_CUSTOMDIALOG = 1; for custom UI support
    • public List<List<string>> InvokeService(IntPtr hwndWinampParent, IntPtr hwndLibraryParent, IntPtr hwndParentControl, string skinPath) should return the entries to populate the Media Library ListView with
      • The inner lists should always contain three strings in this order: Column contents delimited by \t, Title to show in the playlist, Filename
      • The filename can be a direct filename (e.g. e:\\example.mp3) or a reference (e.g. ref_examplefile)
    • Optional: public string GetFileName(string fileID) should return the direct filename when called with a reference
    • Important: If you wish to show a window, call ShowWindow(form.Handle, SW_SHOW); on your Form after creation
      • ShowWindow resides in user32.dll, SW_SHOW equals 5
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\msrv_exampledll
  • Managed (.NET based) DLLs with custom UIs have to be named msrv_\*.dll and contain the msrv.EasyService class implementing the following:
    • public void InitService(Dictionary<string, object> functionDict, string pluginDir, uint serviceID)
      • functionDict contains the following functions:
        • string GetOption(string optionName, string defaultValue)
        • void SetOption(string optionName, string optionValue)
        • void SkinForm(Form form)
    • public Tuple<string, string, string, uint> GetNodeDesc() should return a tuple with the following information:
      • Category
      • Node name you wish to show in the Media Library
      • The column names you wish to show in the Media Library, delimited by \t
      • Capabilities (1):
        • const uint CAP_DEFAULT = 0; for no additional capabilities
        • const uint CAP_CUSTOMDIALOG = 1; for custom UI support
    • public UserControl GetCustomDialog(IntPtr hwndWinampParent, IntPtr hwndLibraryParent, IntPtr hwndParentControl, string skinPath) should return the System.Windows.Forms.UserControl you'd like to show
  • Unmanaged DLLs have to be named srv_\*.dll and implement the functions in WinampEasyService\\ml_easysrv\\easysrv.h:
    • void InitService(AddItemFunc addItemFunc, GetOptionFunc getOptionFunc, SetOptionFunc setOptionFunc, const wchar_t\* pluginDir, UINT_PTR serviceID):
      • The function pointers are described in easysrv.h:
        • typedef void (\*AddItemFunc)(const wchar_t\* displayInfo, const wchar_t\* playlistInfo, const wchar_t\* filename, UINT_PTR serviceID);
        • typedef void (\*GetOptionFunc)(UINT_PTR serviceID, const wchar_t\* optionName, const wchar_t\* defaultValue, wchar_t\* output, DWORD outputSize);
        • typedef void (\*SetOptionFunc)(UINT_PTR serviceID, const wchar_t\* optionName, const wchar_t\* optionValue);
    • NodeDescriptor GetNodeDesc() should return a NodeDescriptor struct with the following information:
      • Category
      • Node name you wish to show in the Media Library
      • The column names you wish to show in the Media Library, delimited by \t
      • Capabilities (0):
        • #define CAP_DEFAULT 0u for no additional capabilities
        • #define CAP_CUSTOMDIALOG 1u for custom UI support
    • void InvokeService(HWND hwndWinampParent, HWND hwndLibraryParent, HWND hwndParentControl, wchar_t\* skinPath) should call AddItemFunc as many times as needed
      • Filenames can be direct filenames (e.g. e:\\example.mp3) or references (e.g. ref_examplefile)
    • Optional: const wchar_t\* GetFileName(const wchar_t\* fileID) should return the direct filename when called with a reference
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\srv_exampledll
  • Unmanaged DLLs with custom UIs have to be named srv_\*.dll and implement the functions in WinampEasyService\\ml_easysrv\\easysrv.h:
    • void InitService(AddItemFunc addItemFunc, GetOptionFunc getOptionFunc, SetOptionFunc setOptionFunc, const wchar_t\* pluginDir, UINT_PTR serviceID):
      • The function pointers are described in easysrv.h:
        • typedef void (\*AddItemFunc)(const wchar_t\* displayInfo, const wchar_t\* playlistInfo, const wchar_t\* filename, UINT_PTR serviceID);
        • typedef void (\*GetOptionFunc)(UINT_PTR serviceID, const wchar_t\* optionName, const wchar_t\* defaultValue, wchar_t\* output, DWORD outputSize);
        • typedef void (\*SetOptionFunc)(UINT_PTR serviceID, const wchar_t\* optionName, const wchar_t\* optionValue);
    • NodeDescriptor GetNodeDesc() should return a NodeDescriptor struct with the following information:
      • Category
      • Node name you wish to show in the Media Library
      • The column names you wish to show in the Media Library, delimited by \t
      • Capabilities (1):
        • #define CAP_DEFAULT 0u for no additional capabilities
        • #define CAP_CUSTOMDIALOG 1u for custom UI support
    • HWND GetCustomDialog(HWND _hwndWinampParent, HWND _hwndLibraryParent, HWND hwndParentControl, wchar_t\* skinPath) should return the HWND of the newly created child dialog
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\srv_cdlexampledll
  • EXE files (doesn't matter if managed or unmanaged) have to be named esrv_\*.exe and respond to the following command line arguments:
    • GetNodeDesc: Print the following information to STDOUT:
      • Category
      • Node name you wish to show in the Media Library
      • The column names you wish to show in the Media Library, delimited by \t
      • Capabilities (0):
        • const uint CAP_DEFAULT = 0; for no additional capabilities
        • const uint CAP_CUSTOMDIALOG = 1; for custom UI support
    • InvokeService hwndWinampParent hwndLibraryParent hwndParentControl pluginDir skinPath configFileName shortName serviceID: Print the entries to populate the Media Library ListView with to STDOUT in the following way:
      • Column contents delimited by \t
      • Title to show in the playlist
      • Filename
        • Filenames can be direct filenames (e.g. e:\\example.mp3) or references (e.g. ref_examplefile)
    • Optional: GetFileName FileID: Print the direct filename corresponding to the reference FileID to STDOUT
    • Important: If you wish to show a window, you might have to call ShowWindow(form.Handle, SW_SHOW); on your Form after creation
      • ShowWindow resides in user32.dll, SW_SHOW equals 5
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\esrv_exampleexe
  • EXE files (doesn't matter if managed or unmanaged) with custom UIs have to be named esrv_\*.exe and respond to the following command line arguments:
    • GetNodeDesc: Print the following information to STDOUT:
      • Category
      • Node name you wish to show in the Media Library
      • The column names you wish to show in the Media Library, delimited by \t
      • Capabilities (1):
        • const uint CAP_DEFAULT = 0; for no additional capabilities
        • const uint CAP_CUSTOMDIALOG = 1; for custom UI support
    • GetCustomDialog hwndWinampParent hwndLibraryParent hwndParentControl pluginDir skinPath configFileName shortName serviceID: Show a correctly set up window
    • Important: If you wish to show a window, you might have to call ShowWindow(form.Handle, SW_SHOW); on your Form after creation
      • ShowWindow resides in user32.dll, SW_SHOW equals 5
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\esrv_cldexampleexe
  • HTML files have to be named wsrv_\*.html and implement the following:
    • Implement the function function getNodeName() that returns the node name you wish to show in the Media Library
    • Make use of the window.winamp object, which provides the following functions:
      • string getoption(string optionName, string defaultValue)
      • void setoption(string optionName, string optionValue)
      • void additem(string filename, bool enqueue)
      • void inject(string url, string js)
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\WebExamples\\wsrv_example.html

Multiservice plugin development:

  • Managed (.NET based) DLLs have to implement the following, in addition to those above:
    • public int GetNodeNum() should return the number of services implemented by the plugin
    • public void SelectService(int multiID) is called to select the currently needed subservice
    • Important: The selected subservice ID should be taken into consideration on subsequent function calls
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\msrv_examplemulti
  • Unmanaged DLLs have to implement the following, in addition to those above:
    • int GetNodeNum() should return the number of services implemented by the plugin
    • void SelectService(int multiID) is called to select the currently needed subservice
    • Important: The selected subservice ID should be taken into consideration on subsequent function calls
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\srv_examplemulti
  • EXE files (doesn't matter if managed or unmanaged) have to respond to the following, in addition to those above:
    • GetNodeNum: Print the number of services implemented by the plugin to STDOUT
    • select MultiID Usual_Arguments should respond to Usual_Arguments with MultiID being the selected subservice ID
    • Full example: WinampEasyService\\esrv_examplemulti

Custom Reference ID usage:

  • Declare CAP_CUSTOMREFID in your Capabilities
  • Implement GetCustomRefId and return your custom Reference ID
  • To declare a playlist entry using a custom Reference ID, the file name yourcustomrefid_ref_examplefile.ref has to be used, instead of the usual ref_examplefile
  • Reference handling through GetFileName is unchanged
  • Example: WinampEasyService\\refidexample

Custom URL Handling:

  • Declare CAP_URLHANDLER in your Capabilities
  • Implement GetUrlPrefix and return the prefix of the URLs you want to handle
  • URLs have to be handled in GetFileName


The following plugins have been developed using this framework:

  • esrv_bandcamp: Bandcamp integration
    • Needs a username and the content of the identity cookie
    • Can save credentials for later
    • Only works for purchased items
    • Works for both tracks and albums
  • esrv_localsearch: Local file search
    • Searches the given directory for the given file pattern
    • Has recursive search option
  • esrv_soundcloud: SoundCloud integration
    • Uses SoundCloudExplode under the hood
  • msrv_skinner: Spawn overlays to skin other windows' titlebars
  • msrv_soundcloud_plus: SoundCloud integration with better UI
  • esrv_spotify: Spotify integration
    • Falls back to YouTube if a track is unavailable and its YouTube ID is set
    • Uses SpotifyExplode and YouTubeExplode under the hood
  • esrv_youtube: YouTube integration
    • Unfortunately slow
    • Uses YouTubeExplode under the hood
  • srv_skinbrowser: Browse and switch WinAmp skins right from the Media Library!
    • Presumes the Skins directory is next to the Plugins directory
    • Updates the filelist with newly appeared files every second
    • Automatically applies newly added skins if checkbox is checked
  • srv_skinbrowser2: Browse and switch WinAmp skins from the Media Library using thumbnails!
    • Presumes the Skins directory is next to the Plugins directory
    • Updates the filelist with newly appeared files and thumbnails every second
    • Automatically applies newly added skins if checkbox is checked
  • srv_skinmuseum: Browse the WinAmp Skin Museum right from the Media Library
    • Double click to download and set a skin
    • Click "Keep current skin" to copy the last set skin from the current page to your Skins directory
      • This only works if you have Write rights to the directory
  • srv_steamimport: Import the soundtracks you downloaded on steam to the Local Library or into individual playlists!
  • srv_heritageskins: Browse the WinAmp Heritage Skin colleciton right from the Media Library
    • Double click to download and set a skin
    • Click "Keep current skin" to copy the last set skin from the current page to your Skins directory
      • This only works if you have Write rights to the directory
    • Default category can be set in the config file
  • srv_screensavers: Watch screensavers in the Media Library
  • wsrv_youtube: Browser YouTube through the website, but open videos in the player
  • srv_archiveskins: Browse the Winamp Skins Collection right from the Media Library
    • Double click to download and set a skin
    • Click "Keep current skin" to copy the last set skin from the current page to your Skins directory
      • This only works if you have Write rights to the directory

Common operation:

  • Most plguins, including the main ml_easysrv plugin, can be configured by editing the easysrv.ini file
  • Downloaded files and saved credentials are stored in System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), unless specified otherwise

