welcome to front-end section details, you can use it to check your learning process.
at each topic you can change the status depend on your knowledge about the topic
- 🔲 : no idea about it
- 🔳 : Know what it is, take it soon
- ✅ : Already knew/learn about it
When you "already knew/learn about it", you can add the self-grade about your level by add the color
kyu (your current level) | Ability |
📓 Shodan |
learnt about it, beginning use it |
📒 Sandan |
use it in some (1->3) small project, have its certification, understand its core concept |
📗 Godan |
use it in a lot of (4->n) small project, can teach another people about it, know its advantage/defect |
📙 Shinidan |
use it in some (1->2) big project, understant what is running underneath |
📕 Kudan |
use it in a lot of (3->n) big project, confidence to say you're an expert of this topic, talk about it in talk-show, can hack/change it's core |
📘 Judan |
have recognition from a nother people that you're an expert of this topic, people talk about you when they learn/discuss/search this topic |
If you are interested in the graphic aspect or the user interface of a site or web application.
If you are interested in improving and perfecting yourself as a programmer or javascript developer.
├── learn The Basic
│ ├── HTML/CSS basic
│ └── Javascript basic
│ └── Javascript native specs
│ └── The Front-End basic
├── Getting Deeper
│ ├── CSS
│ │ ├── CSS Advance
│ │ ├── Choose Framework
│ │ └── Preprocessors
│ └── Javascript
│ ├── Javascript advance
│ ├── ES6
│ ├── TypeScript/FLow
│ ├── Conventions
│ ├── General Prupose Framework
│ ├── MV* Framework
│ ├── Library Framework
│ ├── Animation Framework
│ ├── Package Manager
│ ├── Task Runner
│ ├── Testing
│ ├── Module Loader/Bundler
│ └── Game Engines
├── More
│ ├── CSS
│ │ ├── Dive deep CSS3
│ │ └── Methodologies
│ ├── SVG
│ ├── Javascript
│ │ ├── Design Pattern
│ │ ├── Regex
│ │ ├── GOF Design Pattern
│ │ └── Learn differnt testing techniques
│ └── Front-End Advance
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | CSS Advance | 📒 | complete | course | Udemy/Advanced-CSS-and-SASS | projects | --- |
not started | course | Udemy/Build-Responsive-Real-World-Websites-with-HTML5-and-CSS3 | --- | --- | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
🔲 | Foundation | --- | not started | tutorials | Zurb Foundation framework tutorial | --- | --- |
✅ | Bootstrap | 📒 | not started | course | Udemy/The-complete-Bootstrap-master-class | --- | --- |
🔲 | Materialize CSS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Semantic UI | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | SASS | 📒 | on hold | reading | SASS Guideline | --- | --- |
on hold | reading | The SASS way | --- | --- | |||
on hold | course | Udemy/SASS-Workflow | --- | --- | |||
🔲 | LESS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Stylus | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔳 | PostCSS | 📓 | not started | source code | Github/PostCSS | --- | --- |
not started | read | PostCSS Deep Dive | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Lynda/PostCSS-the-first-look | certificate | --- | |||
not started | course | Lynda/Building-respnsive-single-page-design-with-postcss | certificate | --- | |||
not started | resouce | Github/Awesome=PostCSS | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | Advance JavaScript | 📒 | complete | source | Awesome Javascript Learning | --- | --- |
not started | path | Lynda/Advance-your-JavaScript-Skills | certificate | --- | |||
on hold | course | Lynda/Rethinking-Asynchronous-Javascript | certificate | --- | |||
not started | course | Udacity/Asynchronous-JavaScript-Requests | --- | --- | |||
on hold | reading | The Modern Javascript Tutorial | --- | --- | |||
not started | book | The Secrects of JavaScript Ninja | --- | --- | |||
not started | videos | Youtube/Let's Code | --- | --- | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||
✅ | ES6 | 📓 | complete | course | Udemy/Essential-in-JavaScript-ES6-a-fun-and-clear-intro | --- | --- |
complete | reading | Lynda/Learning-ECMAScript-6 | certificate | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/Accelerate-ES6-JavaScript-Training | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Lynda/ES6-The-Right-Part | certificate | --- | |||
complete | reading | Babelio/Learn-ES2015-Fetures | --- | --- | |||
not started | book | Exploring ES6 | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | ECMA-262 | --- | --- | |||
on hold | source | ericdouglas/ES6-Learning | --- | --- | |||
on hold | source | ECMAScript 6 Resources For The Curious JavaScripter | --- | --- | |||
not started | kata | ES6 Katas (learning by doing) | --- | --- | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||
✅ | TypeScript / Flow | --- | not started | course | Udemy/Understand-TypeScript | --- | --- |
🔲 | Conventions | --- | not started | reading | Google JavaScript Code Styles | --- | --- |
not started | reading | Idiomatic JavaScript | --- | --- |
✅ | Jquery | 📓 | on hold | book | JQuery fundamental | --- | --- |
🔲 | YUI | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | ZeptoJS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Dojo Toolkit | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
✅ | Underscore.js | 📓 | on hold | course | Lynda/Learning-Undersore.js | --- | --- |
✅ | Lodash | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
🔲 | AngularJS | --- | not started | course | Udemy/AngularJ5-The-Complete-Guide | --- | --- |
not started | course | Udemy/AngularJS Masterclass-deep-dive-and-understand-AngularJS | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/QUickstart-AngularJS | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/AngularJS-Authentication:Secure-your-app-with-Auth0 | --- | --- | |||
not started | path | Lynda/Become=AngularJS-Developer | --- | --- | |||
not buy yet | course | The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Angular | --- | --- | |||
🔲 | RxJS | --- | not started | course | Udemy/AngularJ5-RxJs-Reactive-Programming | --- | --- |
not started | source | ReactiveX/Tutorial - RxJS section | --- | --- | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Angular | 📒 | complete | course | Udemy/Angular6-(formerly-Angular2)-The-Complete-Guide | --- | --- |
not started | course | Udemy/Angular5-Concept-Mastery-Course | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/Testing-Angular4-Apps-with-Jasmine | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/Angular-RxJS-Reactive-Programming-Free-Ebook | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/Angular6-Security-MasterClass | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/Angular-NodeJS-The-MEAN-Stack-Guide | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/Build-An-App-With-ASPNET-Core-And-Angular-From-Scratch | --- | --- | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||
🔲 | Meteor | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Backbone.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Ember.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Knockout.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Spice.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Riot.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | CanJS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Preact | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | React | --- | --- | references | React-Developer-Roadmap | --- | --- |
not started | course | Udemy/Modern-React-with-Redux | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/Advance-React-and-Redux | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/The-Complate-React-Native-and-Redux-Course | --- | --- | |||
not started | path | Lymda/Become-a-React-Developer | --- | --- | |||
not started | path | Lymda/Improve-react-skill | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Webbos/Learn-Redux | --- | --- | |||
not started | course | Udemy/GraphQL-with-React-The-Complete-Guide | --- | --- | |||
🔲 | Vue.js | --- | not started | course | Udemy/VueJS2-The-Complete-Guide | --- | --- |
🔲 | Handlebars | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Dust.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | GSAP | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Velocity.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Bounce.js | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
🔲 | Yarn | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
✅ | npm | 📒 | not started | course | Udemy/NPM-Mastering-the-basic | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | npm scripts | 📓 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Gulp | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Grunt | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
🔲 | Jest | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Mocha | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Jasmine | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Enzyme | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | About Module Loader/Bundler | 📓 | complete | reading | JS Module Guide P1 - JS Module Guide P2 | --- | --- |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Webpack | 📓 | not started | course | Udemy/Webpack2-The-Complete-Developer's-Guide | --- | --- |
not started | course | Udemy/Learn-Webpack-2-from-scratch | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Rollup | --- | not started | reading | RollupJS Guide | --- | --- |
✅ | RequireJS / AMD | 📓 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Browserify | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Parcel | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | MelonJS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | ImpactJS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | COcos2d-HTML5 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | Flexbox | 📒 | not started | challenge | Flexbox Froggy | --- | --- |
✅ | Grids | 📒 | on hold | course | Webbos/CSS-Grid | --- | --- |
on hold | reading | Complete Guide to CSS Grid | --- | --- | |||
on hold | reading | Learn CSS Grid | --- | --- | |||
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Gradients | 📒 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
✅ | Rotate | 📒 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
✅ | Transform | 📒 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
✅ | Skew | 📒 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
✅ | Scale | 📒 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
✅ | Transitions | 📒 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | BEM | 📓 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
complete | video | CSS architecture with BEM | --- | --- | |||
complete | reading | BEM Instruction | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Anatomic Design (optional) | --- | --- | |||
🔳 | SUITCSS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔳 | OOCSS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔳 | SMACSS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔳 | Systematic CSS | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
🔳 | D3 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Status | Topic | Level | Process | Type | Item | Reconition | Start Date |
✅ | Design Patterns | 📓 | not started | book | Learn JavaScript desgin pattern | --- | --- |
on hold | path | PluralSight/JavaScript-Path | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Creational Design Patterns | 📓 | not started | reading | Factory | --- | --- |
not started | reading | Prototype | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Mixin | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Singleton | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Structural Design Patterns | 📓 | not started | reading | Adapter | --- | --- |
not started | reading | Bridge | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Composite | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Decorator | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Facade | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Flyweight | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Module | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Proxy | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Revealing Modul | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Behavioral Design Patterns | 📓 | not started | reading | Chain of Responsibility | --- | --- |
not started | reading | Command | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Mediator | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | Observer | --- | --- | |||
✅ | MV* Design Patterns | 📓 | not started | reading | MVC Pattern | --- | --- |
not started | reading | MVP Pattern | --- | --- | |||
not started | reading | MVVM Pattern | --- | --- | |||
✅ | Regex | 📓 | not started | course | Lynda/Learning Regular Expression | certificate | --- |
🔲 | GOF Design Patterns | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | Learn different testing techniques | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
🔲 | The Front-End Advance | 📓 | --- | source | Github/Frontend-Case-Studies | --- | --- |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |