xframe-eval is java library for evaluating simple mathematical expressions. supports simple exprssions and exprssions with variables.
//simple expr
String exprStr1 = "2 * 1 + 1";
3 == Evaluator.eval(exprStr1);
//with variables
String exprStr2 = "a * b + c"
Variables vars = new Variables(){
public double get(String name) {
switch(name) {
case "a":
return 2;
case "b":
return 1;
case "c":
return 1;
return 0;
3 == Evaluator.eval(exprStr2, vars);
//with functions
String exprStr3 = "ceil(1.1) * 1 + 1"
3 == Evaluator.eval(exprStr3);
//use cached Expr
Expr expr = Evaluator.parse(exprStr);
double result = expr.eval(vars);