🦁 First, run the development server:
npm install
npm run start
# or
yarn install
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
🚀 Check it out on https://lvidal-react-social-network.netlify.app/
🚀 Try it out on https://codesandbox.io/s/vigilant-gauss-6fmd7
📍 It renders a Feed UI built on React.
📰 It shows a responsive feed & users layout using information from a testing API (https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com).
🎫 It displays a column for the latest posts.
🎫 It displays a column for people(users) on the comunity.
🔍 Do you want participate on the thread? It allows to write comments on the posts. Comments are just saved on the localstorage
🔍 Do you want to load more comments? It allows to load 4 more comments by request.
It is using Redux to handle the state. You can get the full reducer schema here. https://github.com/lvidal1/react-social-feed/blob/main/redux-schema.json
✔️ As a demo app, it uses Localstorage to persist/load user data when posting a new comment or signing up.
✔️ Tailwind "^2.2.14". Purging css at build stage.
✔️ React 17.0.2
✔️ Redux ^4.0.5
✔️ Jest 27.1.1
- Snapshot testing
- Recover user when sign-in again.
- Dark mode