A command line utility to easily script Azure Custom Vision image classifiers projects.
The tool is self-documented: run the executable without any arguments to get all the available verbs (actions). Run the executable with a verb as the first parameter to get all the available options for this verb.
- Tag directly from folders, using the folder names as tag values
- Crop images before uploading
- Augment your dataset by resizing and blurring your source images
- Script the creation, reset or deletion of projects
- Migrate a project from a source custom vision endpoint to another one
- Create a local backup of project
For any command, it is possible to display usage examples using the help
command. Example:
foo@bar:~$ azcv-classifier-util help migrate
azcv-classifier-util 1.0.1
Copyright (C) 2023 Microsoft
Migrate a project to another custom vision resource (hosted in Japan). The new project will be named 'cvJapan':
azcv-classifier-util migrate --destinationEndpoint https://japaneast.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/ --destinationKey destinationAPIKey --destinationName cvJapan --sourceEndpoint https://contoso.cognitiveservices.azure.com/ --sourceKey sourceAPIKey --sourceProjectId 8892946f-10c5-4884-94a4-da6c95f98d67
Create a copy of a project within the same custom vision resource. The new project will have an auto-generated name:
azcv-classifier-util migrate --sourceEndpoint https://contoso.cognitiveservices.azure.com/ --sourceKey sourceAPIKey --sourceProjectId 8892946f-10c5-4884-94a4-da6c95f98d67
--sourceEndpoint Required. Custom Vision endpoint hosting the source project to be migrated.
--destinationEndpoint Target Custom Vision endpoint. If not specified, the sourceEndpoint will be used.
--sourceKey Required. Source Custom Vision endpoint key.
--destinationKey Target Custom Vision endpoint key. If not specified, the sourceKey will be used
--sourceProjectId Required. Project ID to be migrated
--destinationName Optional, name of the project to use instead of auto-generated name.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
This utility is built using .NET Core and relies on the Azure Custom Vision SDK. Compiling the utility requires the .NET Core 7.0 SDK (not just the runtime).
You can build the application by simply running:
dotnet build
This should create an executable in the bin/Debug/netcore7.0 directory, from which you can then execute the azcv-classifier-util
on Windows) executable.