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add droptol (#26)
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* initial commit

* update Project.toml

* remove fastchebinterp warning

* make symmetry test more readable

* initial commit

* initial commit

* finish rebasing

* bugfix in MassVelocityInterp

* initial commit

* update Project.toml

* remove fastchebinterp warning

* make symmetry test more readable

* initial commit

* finish rebasing

* bugfix in MassVelocityInterp

* test droptol
  • Loading branch information
lxvm authored Jan 31, 2024
1 parent ab53a7e commit 5264124
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Showing 6 changed files with 119 additions and 58 deletions.
32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,34 +10,43 @@ EquiBaryInterp = "c5458111-f826-47c0-abe9-f36aa00852ec"
FourierSeriesEvaluators = "2a892dea-6eef-4bb5-9d1c-de966c9f6db5"
HChebInterp = "78faba9b-a54b-441f-8118-62407cbe4e59"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Logging = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"

Brillouin = "23470ee3-d0df-4052-8b1a-8cbd6363e7f0"
Makie = "ee78f7c6-11fb-53f2-987a-cfe4a2b5a57a"
PlotlyJS = "f0f68f2c-4968-5e81-91da-67840de0976a"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"
WannierIO = "cb1bc77f-5443-4951-af9f-05b616a3e422"

AutoBZUnitfulExt = "Unitful"
AutoBZWannierIOExt = "WannierIO"
BrillouinMakieExt = ["Brillouin", "Makie"]
BrillouinPlotlyJSExt = ["Brillouin", "PlotlyJS"]

Aqua = "0.8"
AutoBZCore = "0.3"
BaryRational = "0.1,1"
Brillouin = "0.5"
EquiBaryInterp = "0.1"
FourierSeriesEvaluators = "1"
HChebInterp = "0.1,1"
HChebInterp = "1"
LinearAlgebra = "1.9"
Logging = "1.9"
Makie = "0.19"
OffsetArrays = "1"
PlotlyJS = "0.18"
Reexport = "1"
StaticArrays = "1"
WannierIO = "0.2"
Test = "1.9"
Unitful = "1"
WannierIO = "0.2"
julia = "1.9"

AutoBZUnitfulExt = "Unitful"
BrillouinMakieExt = ["Brillouin", "Makie"]
BrillouinPlotlyJSExt = ["Brillouin", "PlotlyJS"]
AutoBZWannierIOExt = "WannierIO"

Aqua = "4c88cf16-eb10-579e-8560-4a9242c79595"
AutoBZCore = "66bd3e16-1600-45cf-8f55-0b550710682b"
Expand All @@ -52,10 +61,3 @@ WannierIO = "cb1bc77f-5443-4951-af9f-05b616a3e422"

test = ["Aqua", "AutoBZCore", "LinearAlgebra", "StaticArrays", "OffsetArrays", "Test"]

Brillouin = "23470ee3-d0df-4052-8b1a-8cbd6363e7f0"
Makie = "ee78f7c6-11fb-53f2-987a-cfe4a2b5a57a"
PlotlyJS = "f0f68f2c-4968-5e81-91da-67840de0976a"
WannierIO = "cb1bc77f-5443-4951-af9f-05b616a3e422"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/AutoBZ.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module AutoBZ

using LinearAlgebra
using LinearAlgebra: checksquare
using Logging

using StaticArrays
using Reexport
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/interp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ struct MassVelocityInterp{C,B,G,N,T,iip,F,DF,TA} <: AbstractVelocityInterp{C,B,G
function MassVelocityInterp{C,B,G}(h::HessianSeries{N,T,iip,F,DF}, A::TA) where {C,B,G,N,T,iip,F,DF,TA}
@assert gauge(parentseries(h)) == GaugeDefault(parentseries(h))
@assert gauge(_parentseries(h)) == GaugeDefault(_parentseries(h))
return new{C,B,G,N,T,iip,F,DF,TA}(h, A)
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/self_energies_io.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,9 +139,5 @@ function construct_chebyshev(omegas, values::Vector{<:Number}, order; atol=1e-6,
function construct_chebyshev(omegas, values::Vector{T}, order; atol=1e-6, tol=1e-13, mmax=100) where {T<:SArray}
interp = ntuple(n -> aaa(omegas, getindex.(values, n); tol=tol, mmax=mmax), length(T))
ndims(T) > 1 && @warn """
Matrix-valued interpolation may not work without the FastChebInterp version at
`import Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")`
hchebinterp(x -> T(map(f -> f(x), interp)), extrema(omegas)...; order=order, atol=atol)
104 changes: 66 additions & 38 deletions src/wannier90io.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function parse_hamiltonian(file::IO, ::Type{F}) where {F<:AbstractFloat}
C[k] = SMatrix{num_wann,num_wann,Complex{F},num_wann^2}(c)
return (; date_time, num_wann, nrpts, degen, irvec, C)
return (; date_time, num_wann, nrpts, degen, irvec, H=C)

Expand All @@ -54,13 +54,12 @@ keyword `compact` to specify:
- `:U`: store the upper triangle of the coefficients
- `:S`: store the lower triangle of the symmetrized coefficients, `(c+c')/2`
function load_interp(::Type{<:HamiltonianInterp}, seed; precision=Float64, gauge=GaugeDefault(HamiltonianInterp), compact=:N, soc=nothing)
function load_interp(::Type{<:HamiltonianInterp}, seed; precision=Float64, gauge=GaugeDefault(HamiltonianInterp), compact=:N, soc=nothing, droptol=eps(precision))
(; nkpt) = parse_wout(seed * ".wout", precision)
(; num_wann, degen, irvec, C) = parse_hamiltonian(seed * "_hr.dat", precision)
(; num_wann, degen, irvec, H) = parse_hamiltonian(seed * "_hr.dat", precision)
check_degen(degen, nkpt)
C_ = load_coefficients(Val{compact}(), num_wann, irvec, degen, C)[1]
offset = map(s -> -div(s,2)-1, size(C_))
f = FourierSeries(C_; period=freq2rad(one(precision)), offset=offset)
(C, origin), = load_coefficients(Val{compact}(), droptol, num_wann, irvec, degen, H)
f = FourierSeries(C; period=freq2rad(one(precision)), offset=Tuple(-origin))
if soc === nothing
return HamiltonianInterp(Freq2RadSeries(f), gauge=gauge)
Expand All @@ -76,29 +75,57 @@ load_coeff(T, ::Val{:L}, c) = T(c)
load_coeff(T, ::Val{:U}, c) = T(c')
load_coeff(T, ::Val{:S}, c) = T(0.5*(c+c'))

function load_coefficients(compact, num_wann, irvec, degen, cs...)
return load_coefficients(compact, num_wann, irvec, degen, cs)
function load_coefficients(compact, droptol, num_wann, irvec, degen, cs...)
return load_coefficients(compact, droptol, num_wann, irvec, degen, cs)
function load_coefficients(compact, num_wann, irvec, degen, cs::NTuple{N}) where N
function load_coefficients(compact, reltol, num_wann, irvec, degen, cs::NTuple{N}) where N
T = load_coeff_type(eltype(eltype(eltype(cs))), compact, num_wann)
nmodes = zeros(Int, 3)
for idx in irvec
@inbounds for i in 1:3
if (n = abs(idx[i])) > nmodes[i]
nmodes[i] = n
Cs = ntuple(_ -> zeros(T, (2nmodes .+ 1)...), Val(N))
bounds = ntuple(n -> extrema(idx -> idx[n], irvec), Val(3))
lbounds = map(first, bounds)
ubounds = map(last, bounds)
nmodes = map((lb, ub) -> ub-lb+1, lbounds, ubounds)
Cs = ntuple(_ -> zeros(T, nmodes), Val(N))
origins = map(C -> CartesianIndex(ntuple(n -> firstindex(C,n)-lbounds[n], Val(3))), Cs)
for (i,idx) in enumerate(irvec)
idx_ = CartesianIndex((idx .+ nmodes .+ 1)...)
for (j,c) in enumerate(cs)
Cs[j][idx_] = load_coeff(T, compact, c[i])/degen[i]
_idx_ = CartesianIndex(idx...)
for (c,C,o) in zip(cs, Cs, origins)
C[_idx_+o] = load_coeff(T, compact, c[i])/degen[i]
return Cs
return map((C, origin) -> droptol(C, origin, reltol), Cs, origins)

infnorm(x::Number) = abs(x)
infnorm(x::AbstractArray) = maximum(infnorm, x)

# based on FastChebInterp.jl and helpful for truncating zero-padded coefficients
function droptol(C::AbstractArray, origin::CartesianIndex, reltol)
abstol = infnorm(C) * reltol
norm_geq_tol = >=(abstol)infnorm
# compute the new size, dropping values below tol at both ends of axes
newlb = ntuple(ndims(C)) do dim
n = firstindex(C, dim)
while n < lastindex(C, dim)
r = let n=n; ntuple(i -> axes(C,i)[i == dim ? (n:n) : (begin:end)], ndims(C)); end
any(norm_geq_tol, @view C[CartesianIndices(r)]) && break
n += 1
newub = ntuple(ndims(C)) do dim
n = lastindex(C, dim)
while n > firstindex(C, dim)
r = let n=n; ntuple(i -> axes(C,i)[i == dim ? (n:n) : (begin:end)], ndims(C)); end
any(norm_geq_tol, @view C[CartesianIndices(r)]) && break
n -= 1
newC = C[CartesianIndices(map(:, newlb, newub))]
neworigin = origin + CartesianIndex(ntuple(n -> firstindex(newC,n)-newlb[n], ndims(C)))
return (newC, neworigin)

parse_position_operator(filename, rot=I)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,21 +193,20 @@ Fourier coefficients in compact form, use the keyword `compact` to specify:
Note that in some cases the coefficients are not Hermitian even though the
values of the series are.
function load_interp(::Type{<:BerryConnectionInterp}, seed; precision=Float64, coord=CoordDefault(BerryConnectionInterp), period=one(precision), compact=:N, soc=nothing)
function load_interp(::Type{<:BerryConnectionInterp}, seed; precision=Float64, coord=CoordDefault(BerryConnectionInterp), period=one(precision), compact=:N, soc=nothing, droptol=eps(precision))
(; A, nkpt) = parse_wout(seed * ".wout", precision)
invA = inv(A) # compute inv(A) for map from Cartesian to lattice coordinates
rot, irot = pick_rot(coord, A, invA)
(; degen) = parse_hamiltonian(seed * "_hr.dat", precision)
check_degen(degen, nkpt)
(; num_wann, irvec, As) = parse_position_operator(seed * "_r.dat", precision, rot)
A1, A2, A3 = load_coefficients(Val{compact}(), num_wann, irvec, degen, As...)
F1_ = FourierSeries(A1; period=one(precision), offset=map(s -> -div(s,2)-1, size(A1)))
F1 = soc === nothing ? F1_ : WrapperFourierSeries(wrap_soc, F1_)
F2_ = FourierSeries(A2; period=one(precision), offset=map(s -> -div(s,2)-1, size(A2)))
F2 = soc === nothing ? F2_ : WrapperFourierSeries(wrap_soc, F2_)
F3_ = FourierSeries(A3; period=one(precision), offset=map(s -> -div(s,2)-1, size(A3)))
F3 = soc === nothing ? F3_ : WrapperFourierSeries(wrap_soc, F3_)
BerryConnectionInterp{coord}(ManyFourierSeries(F1, F2, F3; period=period), irot; coord=coord)
(A1,o1), (A2,o2), (A3,o3) = load_coefficients(Val{compact}(), droptol, num_wann, irvec, degen, As)
F1 = FourierSeries(A1; period=one(precision), offset=Tuple(-o1))
F2 = FourierSeries(A2; period=one(precision), offset=Tuple(-o2))
F3 = FourierSeries(A3; period=one(precision), offset=Tuple(-o3))
Fs = (F1, F2, F3)
Ms = soc === nothing ? Fs : map(f -> WrapperFourierSeries(wrap_soc, f), Fs)
BerryConnectionInterp{coord}(ManyFourierSeries(Ms...; period=period), irot; coord=coord)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,6 +374,11 @@ function load_autobz(bz::IBZ, seedname::String; precision=Float64, kws...)
return load_bz(convert(AbstractBZ{3}, bz), A, B, species, reduce(hcat, frac_lat); kws..., coordinates="lattice")

struct CompactDisplay{T}
end, a::CompactDisplay) = show(io, a.obj)

load_wannier90_data(seedname::String; bz::AbstractBZ=FBZ(), interp::AbstractWannierInterp=HamiltonianInterp, kwargs...)
Expand All @@ -373,13 +404,10 @@ function load_wannier90_data(seedname::String; precision=Float64, load_interp=lo
val = wi(S*k)
return calc_interp_error(wi, val, ref)
msg = """
Testing that the interpolant's Hamiltonian satisfies the symmetries at random k-point
k = $(k)
and found a maximum error $(err) for symmetry
bz.syms[$(idx)] = $(bz.syms[idx])
err > sqrt(eps(one(err)))*oneunit(err) ? @warn(msg) : @info(msg)
sym = CompactDisplay(bz.syms[idx])
kpt = CompactDisplay(k)
msg = "Symmetry test of the interpolant's Hamiltonian at a random k-point"
@logmsg (err > sqrt(eps(one(err)))*oneunit(err) ? Warn : Info) msg seedname kpt sym err
return (wi, bz)
Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions test/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,4 +29,38 @@ using Test, AutoBZ, OffsetArrays
shift!(f2, -o)


@testset "droptol" begin

Cpad = [
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0
0.3 0.5 0.3 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
OCpad = OffsetMatrix(Array(Cpad), -3:2, -1:2)
C = Cpad[begin+1:end, begin:end-1]
OC = OffsetMatrix(C, -2:2, -1:1)

@test @inferred(AutoBZ.droptol(Cpad, CartesianIndex(4,2), eps())) == (C, CartesianIndex(3,2))
@test @inferred(AutoBZ.droptol(OCpad, CartesianIndex(0,0), eps())) == (C, CartesianIndex(3,2))
@test @inferred(AutoBZ.droptol(C, CartesianIndex(3,2), eps())) == (C, CartesianIndex(3,2))
@test @inferred(AutoBZ.droptol(OC, CartesianIndex(0,0), eps())) == (C, CartesianIndex(3,2))

Cpad2 = [
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0
0.3 0.5 0.3 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.2 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
OCpad2 = OffsetMatrix(Array(Cpad2), -4:2, -1:2)
@test @inferred(AutoBZ.droptol(Cpad2, CartesianIndex(5,2), eps())) == (C, CartesianIndex(3,2))
@test @inferred(AutoBZ.droptol(OCpad2, CartesianIndex(0,0), eps())) == (C, CartesianIndex(3,2))

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