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A tool box for deploy time structure optimization for some modern CNN structures


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Deploy-time Network Optimization Tool Box

In this repository, we released code for the combination of different deploy time network optimization algorithm.

  • spatial decomposition (SD)
  • network decoupling (ND)
  • channel decomposition (CD)

The current network supported: VGG-16, ResNet series, DenseNet series and AlexNet-bn.


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Experiment Result
  5. Reference


  1. Python3 packages you might not have: scipy, sklearn, easydict, use sudo pip3 install to install.
  2. An NVIDIA GPU is recommanded.


  1. Clone the repository of Caffe and compile it
    git clone
    cd caffe
    # modify Makefile.config to the path of the library on your machine, please make sure the python3 interface is supported
    make -j8
    make pycaffe
  1. Clone this repository


  1. Download the original model files (.prototxt and .caffemodel) and move them to the directory of models

  2. Make proper configurations in To make sure the network optimization works well, please enter the file and change the configuration of the parameters according to the comment above them.

    Note, among the hyperparameters above the SD_Param,ND_Param,CD_Param and device_id could also be specified in command line (see section 3), while other parameters must be set correctly according to the comment above.

  3. Command Line Usage To decouple a network, use the following command

    python3.5 <optional arguments>
    optional arguments:
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
        -sd                   enable spatial decomposition
        -nd                   enable network decoupling
        -cd                   enable channel decompostion
        -data                 enable data driven for spatial decomposition
        -speed SPEED          sd speed up ratio of spatial decomposition
        -threshold THRESHOLD  energy threshold for network decouple
        -gpu GPU              caffe devices
        -model MODEL          caffe prototxt file path
        -weight WEIGHT        caffemodel file path
        -action {decomp,compute,test}
                              compute, test or decompose the model
        -iterations ITER      test iterations
        -rank RANK            rank for network decoupling
        -DP                   flags to set DW + PW decouple (default is PW + DW)

For example, suppose the VGG-16 network is in folder models/ and named as vgg.prototxt and vgg.caffemodel, you could use the following command to conduct network decoupling (ND) with threshold 0.95:

    python3.5 -model models/vgg.prototxt -weight models/vgg.caffemodel -action -decomp -nd -threshold 0.95

Or you can decouple the network using a given rank instead of threshold:

    python3.5 -model models/vgg.prototxt -weight models/vgg.caffemodel -action -decomp -nd -rank 5

Similarly, you could decompose the model with spatial decomposition with compression ratio of 2 and data reconstruction:

    python3.5 -model models/vgg.prototxt -weight models/vgg.caffemodel -action -decomp -sd -speed 2.0 -data

Note: the decomposition results are saved under the directory of models, with the name format of new_xx_relu_separ_xx.prototxt, where the first xx is the combination string of compression ratio and/or ND threshold, and the second xx is the original model name. The result weights file is also saved under models with the name format of new_decomp_merged_xx.caffemodel where xx is the original model name of input.

When the action FLAG is compute, the program will compute the FLOPs of specified model. When the action FLAG is test, the program will test the model accuracy on specified dataset.

model,weight and action must be specified in command line. As for other arguments, if they are not specified in command line, the system will use the default value in configuration file (see section 2).

The combinations of sd + cd and sd + nd + cd are not supported now.

Experiment Result

Here are some results from experiments conducted on VGG-16 network, the original FLOPs is 15.35G

Method Decomposed FLOPs Accuracy drop
ND 8.61G 1%
CD 6.52G 1%
SD(no data) 7.20G 1%
SD(data) 4.28G 1%

Related Repository

This project is built on the repository of channel pruning, many thanks to the contributor of this work.


This work is based on our work Network Decoupling: From Regular Convolution to Separable Depthwise Convolution (BMVC2018). If you think this is helpful for your research, please consider append following bibtex config in your latex file.

  title = {{Network Decoupling}: From Regular Convolution to Separable Depthwise Convolution},
  author = {Guo, Jianbo and Li, Yuxi and Li, Jianguo and Lin, Weiyao},
  booktitle = {BMVC},
  year = {2018}

This repository is also referenced to the work of channel decomposition and spatial decomposition, to know more details about channel decomposition and spatial decomposition, please refer to following papers.


A tool box for deploy time structure optimization for some modern CNN structures








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