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@m-sureshraj m-sureshraj released this 03 Aug 08:32
· 21 commits to master since this release

It's all about console


  • Option to follow the build progress after triggering a build (#48)

    The Jen build (alias b) command now takes an argument --watch (alias -w) to progressively report the build progress after triggering a build.

  • New command console to view build console output (#46) @vloth

  • Support viewing running builds in the console command (#53)

    The console command jen console (without arguments) behavior has changed.

    • When a job has no running builds -> Print the last build console
    • When a job has only one running build -> Print the running build console
    • When a job has multiple running builds -> Ask the user to pick a build


  • Setup Travis ci to run the lint and test scripts (#47)
