Create webm/mp4/gif videos by animating qualitative SVG files (e.g. exported from Figma or any other vector image editor).
Create text file demo.smte
set_frame_size 600 300
place boomerang 0 100
animate_1000 move boomerang 400 - && rotate boomerang 720 && scale boomerang 2
Place boomerang.svg
into src/
folder. E.g. this one: boomerang.svg
Execute scriptimate to compile video:
npx scriptimate@latest -i demo.smte -f gif
You will get:
You need to have next packages on your system (works for Ubuntu and Windows WSL2):
sudo apt-get install libnss3-dev libatk-bridge2.0-0 libcups2 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev ffmpeg
(All apart ffmpeg
required to run pupeeter which is used to generate high-qaulity frames, some taken from here
Required version of ffmpeg >=4.x
(Will be installed automatically in Ubuntu 20.04+, when in 18.04 it will be 3.x, which is not compatible)
If you are using custom changable texts, please make sure you have all fonts installed which you use:
sudo apt install fonts-roboto
Read here:
- Pull the repo
cd example
- Execute
npx scriptimate@latest -i 1_helloworld.smte
Under the hood next commands are used:
ffmpeg -framerate 25/1 -i frames/%07d.jpg -c:v libx264 -r 25 out.mp4 -y
Or for webm:
ffmpeg -framerate 25/1 -i frames/%07d.jpg -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 2M -r 25 out.webm -y
After generation phace we frames folder will be persisted so feel free to change ffmpeg command in any way you want.