This project allows to send message to IBM MQ as part of load test using JMS and JNDI connections. Example configuration in this project use IBM MQ running in dockers to send message.
This project was build using gradle. You might need to install gradle and java.
- Allows to configure multi queue
- Consumer
- Supports replyTo
- Templating messages
- feed data from input file
- Dynamic scenario configuration using configuration file
- Helps shift-left methods to quickly run messages to IBM MQ
Note: Can configure n number of producers and consumers
- copy resource folder from repo root to your own project directory (ex: <USER_HOME>/project)
- For producer (gatling) , add mq details in mq.json file
- Copy message file in payload directory (ex: input.xml ) and add relative path of the file in mq.json . Check the example in mq.json
- For consumer, add mq details in mq.props . Optional until other it is required.
- copy reply message to payload directory (ex: output.xml ) and relative path of the file in mq.props. Check the example in mq.props
- (Optional) For correlation on received message in XML format, update xpath.props with xpath. Check example in xpath.props
If you do not have IBM MQ details already, Follow below steps to create IBM MQ locally and use predefined configuration in resource folder. If you have IBM MQ details already , read Run Producer(Gatling) section after resource folder is configured.
To run this project locally, you need IBM MQ running. Run IBM docker using below command.
docker run --name ibmmq --env LICENSE=accept --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --publish 1414:1414 --publish 9443:9443 --env MQ_APP_PASSWORD=app ibmcom/mq:latest
username: admin
password: passw0rd
Navigate to Manage -> Local Queue Manager -> QM1 -> DEV.QUEUE.1
By default test runs for 1 min
./gradle clean gatlingRun # To use default configuration (Only for testing purpose)
./gradle clean gatlingRun -Drunid=A1111 -Dresource=<USER_HOME>/project/resource # To use the resource folder created under project directory
To run test for 1 hour
./gradle gatlingRun -DmaxDuration=60 -Drunid=A1111 -Dresource=<USER_HOME>/project/resource
You need to run consumer to use default configuration in this project. To run Consumer
./gradle run # To use default configuration (Only for testing purpose)
gradle run -Dresource=<USER_HOME>/project/resource # To use the resource folder created under project directory
After configuring the files, run docker-compose as below
docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit
To stop test before complete, use
docker-compose down
Results are located in ${PWD}/build/reports/gatling/basicsimulation-xxxxxxx/index.html
For direct connection , we need following details from MQ
- QueueName
- Channel
- Username (if required)
- Password (if required)
- replyQueue (if producer wait to get response back as sync)
- replyValidator (validate message with text check)
"mq1": {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 1414,
"queueManager" : "QM1",
"channel" : "DEV.APP.SVRCONN",
"queueName" : "DEV.QUEUE.1",
"replyQueue" : "DEV.QUEUE.2", // default example use replyQueue
"replyValidator" : "employee", // response message expecated contain 'employee' text
"authUser" : "app",
"authPassword" : "app",
"bindingPath" : "",
"feeder" : "./users.csv",
"payload" : "./payload/input.xml",
"users" : 1,
"thinktime" : 2
For jndi based configuration, we need following details from MQ
- .binding file
- QueueName (do not use alias name. Check the binding file for real queue name)
"mq1": {
"host" : "",
"port" : 0,
"queueManager" : "",
"channel" : "",
"queueName" : "DEV.QUEUE.1",
"replyQueue" : "",
"replyValidator" : "",
"authUser" : "",
"authPassword" : "",
"bindingPath" : "./bindings/RT", # location of .binding file under resource folder
"payload" : "./payload/input.xml",
"users" : 1,
"thinktime" : 2
Producer allow to configure as many IBMMQ as we like. Here is the example with two items
"mq1": {
"host" : "",
"port" : 0,
"queueManager" : "",
"channel" : "",
"queueName" : "DEV.QUEUE.1",
"replyQueue" : "",
"replyValidator" : "",
"authUser" : "",
"authPassword" : "",
"bindingPath" : "./bindings/RT", # location of .binding file under resource folder
"payload" : "./payload/input.xml",
"users" : 1,
"thinktime" : 2
"mq2": {
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 1414,
"queueManager" : "QM1",
"channel" : "DEV.APP.SVRCONN",
"queueName" : "DEV.QUEUE.1",
"replyQueue" : "",
"replyValidator" : "",
"authUser" : "app",
"authPassword" : "app",
"bindingPath" : "",
"payload" : "./payload/input.xml",
"users" : 1,
"thinktime" : 2
WRITE_QUEUE=DEV.QUEUE.2 // if defined, JMSReplyQueue override with this value
WRITE_QUEUE= // Leave empty to read reply Queue from the incoming message
Currently following placeholders are supported. Always check for the latest code for more placeholders.
- UUID -> To get UUID Example: 9802139069434EE2B1B36266FD1BCF59
- RAND_STR6 -> Random string of 6 characters. Example :eredce
- RAND_STR8 -> Random string of 8 characters. Example :eredceww
- CURRENT_DT_ISO -> Current Date time in ISO format Example: 2021-12-24T22:26:54
- CURRENT_TS -> Current unix timestamp Example : 1640378409
- RAND_INT4 -> Rand Interger in the range Example: 3492
- RAND_INT6 -> Rand Interger in the range Example: 209223
- RAND_INT8 -> Rand Interger in the range Example: 20922322
- RUNID -> unix timestamp. Once Only per test. Example : 1640378409
- DATE -> Only today date in YYYY-MM-DD. Example : 2021-12-24
- TIME -> Only current time in HH:MM:SS. Example : 12:12:12
We might need to send a dynamic data (like message id , date etc) with the payload. Templating allows to configure payload with dynamic data. Lets say message should contain unique email address
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<to>[email protected]</to>
<from>[email protected]</from>
Using above templating option, prepare the input.xml message as below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<to>[email protected]</to>
<from>[email protected]</from>
Final message send to the Queue
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<to>[email protected]</to>
<from>[email protected]</from>
We can populate data to payload using external files. Define the file from which you want to randomly pick the data.
"mq1": {
"feeder": "./users.csv", // Feeder file in resource folder which holds username and passwords.
"users" : 1,
"thinktime" : 2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<username>_USERNAME_</usernmae> // A random value from feeder file
<to>[email protected]</to>
<from>[email protected]</from>
For Consumer templating, use ${} format. Example ${UUID}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xpath.props provides correlation on incoming messages. Define xpath correlations and assing to the variable
VAR1 and VAR2 hold the values of incoming message. Use the VAR1 and VAR2 placeholders in output.xml
<employee id="${VAR1}">
Final message send to replyQueue
<employee id="9802139069434EE2B1B36266FD1BCF59">
<lastName>[email protected]</lastName>