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Update for MPIStaticCondensation.jl with shared-memory MPI support #3628

Update for MPIStaticCondensation.jl with shared-memory MPI support

Update for MPIStaticCondensation.jl with shared-memory MPI support #3628

Workflow file for this run

# Based on example from
name: Debug checks for correctness
on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# Only run on linux to save CI server cpu-hours
os: [ubuntu-latest]
fail-fast: false
timeout-minutes: 360
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@latest
version: '1.11'
arch: x64
- uses: julia-actions/cache@v2
- name: Debug test
run: |
# Hard code the debug level so that we can run without using the
# `--compiled-modules=no` flag, which breaks Symbolics.jl at the
# moment.
sed -i -e "s/_debug_level = get_options.*/_debug_level = 2/" moment_kinetics/src/debugging.jl
touch Project.toml
# Not sure why installing "NCDatasets" fails at the moment (8/10/2024), but precompilation hangs for this job if it is included, so skip for now.
#julia --project -O3 --check-bounds=yes -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(["MPI", "MPIPreferences", "NCDatasets", "PackageCompiler", "Symbolics"]); using MPIPreferences; MPIPreferences.use_jll_binary("OpenMPI_jll")'
julia --project -O3 --check-bounds=yes -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(["MPI", "MPIPreferences", "PackageCompiler", "Symbolics"]); using MPIPreferences; MPIPreferences.use_jll_binary("OpenMPI_jll")'
julia --project -O3 --check-bounds=yes -e 'using MPI; MPI.install_mpiexecjl(; destdir=".")'
julia --project -O3 --check-bounds=yes -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(path="moment_kinetics/"); Pkg.precompile()'
julia --project -O3 --check-bounds=yes precompile-with-check-bounds.jl --debug 2
# Need to use openmpi so that we can use `--oversubscribe` to allow using more MPI ranks than physical cores
## Don't use --compiled-modules=no for now, as it currently breaks Symbolics.jl
#mpiexec -np 4 --oversubscribe 1 julia --project --check-bounds=yes --compiled-modules=no moment_kinetics/debug_test/sound_wave_tests.jl --debug 2
./mpiexecjl -np 4 --oversubscribe julia --project -O3 --check-bounds=yes moment_kinetics/debug_test/runtests.jl --debug 2