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Added derivative vector D0 for computing the derivative at vperp = 0 …
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…(eventually) for imposing the regularity condition d F / d vperp. In normalised coordinates, D0 computes the derivative at x = -1, which is useful on the Radau grid because the grid runs in normalised units from (-1,1]. Note that like the other derivative matrices and vectors, an explicit scale length must be included. A test script is provided to check the functionality.
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mrhardman committed Dec 10, 2023
1 parent 4c3e1c5 commit 0fda1f6
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Showing 2 changed files with 148 additions and 2 deletions.
43 changes: 41 additions & 2 deletions src/chebyshev.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ struct chebyshev_base_info{TForward <: FFTW.cFFTWPlan, TBackward <: AbstractFFTs
# elementwise differentiation matrix (ngrid*ngrid)
# elementwise differentiation vector (ngrid) for the point x = -1

struct chebyshev_info{TForward <: FFTW.cFFTWPlan, TBackward <: AbstractFFTs.ScaledPlan} <: discretization_info
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,9 +74,11 @@ function setup_chebyshev_pseudospectral_lobatto(coord)
# create array for differentiation matrix
Dmat = allocate_float(coord.ngrid, coord.ngrid)
D0 = allocate_float(coord.ngrid)
D0 .= Dmat[1,:]
# return a structure containing the information needed to carry out
# a 1D Chebyshev transform
return chebyshev_base_info(fext, fcheby, dcheby, forward_transform, backward_transform, Dmat)
return chebyshev_base_info(fext, fcheby, dcheby, forward_transform, backward_transform, Dmat, D0)

function setup_chebyshev_pseudospectral_radau(coord)
Expand All @@ -93,9 +97,11 @@ function setup_chebyshev_pseudospectral_radau(coord)
# create array for differentiation matrix
Dmat = allocate_float(coord.ngrid, coord.ngrid)
cheb_derivative_matrix_elementwise_radau_by_FFT!(Dmat, coord, fcheby, dcheby, fext, forward_transform)
D0 = allocate_float(coord.ngrid)
cheb_lower_endpoint_derivative_vector_elementwise_radau_by_FFT!(D0, coord, fcheby, dcheby, fext, forward_transform)
# return a structure containing the information needed to carry out
# a 1D Chebyshev transform
return chebyshev_base_info(fext, fcheby, dcheby, forward_transform, backward_transform, Dmat)
return chebyshev_base_info(fext, fcheby, dcheby, forward_transform, backward_transform, Dmat, D0)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -780,6 +786,22 @@ function chebyshev_radau_forward_transform!(chebyf, fext, ff, transform, n)
# inverse Chebyshev transform to get df/dcoord
chebyshev_radau_backward_transform!(df, cheby_fext, cheby_df, forward, coord.ngrid)
function chebyshev_radau_derivative_lower_endpoint(ff, cheby_f, cheby_df, cheby_fext, forward, coord)
# calculate the Chebyshev coefficients of the real-space function ff and return
# as cheby_f
chebyshev_radau_forward_transform!(cheby_f, cheby_fext, ff, forward, coord.ngrid)
# calculate the Chebyshev coefficients of the derivative of ff with respect to coord.grid
chebyshev_spectral_derivative!(cheby_df, cheby_f)
# form the derivative at x = - 1 using that T_n(-1) = (-1)^n
# and converting the normalisation factors to undo the normalisation in the FFT
# df = d0 + sum_n=1 (-1)^n d_n/2 with d_n the coeffs
# of the Cheb derivative in the Fourier representation
df = cheby_df[1]
for i in 2:coord.ngrid
df += ((-1)^(i-1))*0.5*cheby_df[i]
return df

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -888,5 +910,22 @@
D[j,j] = -sum(D[j,:])

function cheb_lower_endpoint_derivative_vector_elementwise_radau_by_FFT!(D::Array{Float64,1}, coord, f, df, fext, forward)
ff_buffer = Array{Float64,1}(undef,coord.ngrid)
df_buffer = Array{Float64,1}(undef,coord.ngrid)
# use response matrix approach to calculate derivative vector D
for j in 1:coord.ngrid
ff_buffer .= 0.0
ff_buffer[j] = 1.0
@views df_buffer = chebyshev_radau_derivative_lower_endpoint(ff_buffer[:],
f[:,1], df, fext, forward, coord)
D[j] = df_buffer # assign appropriate value of derivative vector
# correct diagonal elements to gurantee numerical stability
# gives D*[1.0, 1.0, ... 1.0] = [0.0, 0.0, ... 0.0]
D[1] = 0.0
D[1] = -sum(D[:])

107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions test_scripts/chebyshev_radau_test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
export chebyshevradau_test

using Printf
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings
using MPI
using Measures

import moment_kinetics
using moment_kinetics.chebyshev
using moment_kinetics.input_structs: grid_input, advection_input
using moment_kinetics.coordinates: define_coordinate
using moment_kinetics.calculus: derivative!

function print_matrix(matrix,name,n,m)
println("\n ",name," \n")
for i in 1:n
for j in 1:m
@printf("%.3f ", matrix[i,j])

function print_vector(vector,name,m)
println("\n ",name," \n")
for j in 1:m
@printf("%.3f ", vector[j])
Test for derivative vector D0 that is used to compute
the numerical derivative on the Chebyshev-Radau elements
at the lower endpoint of the domain (-1,1] in the normalised
coordinate x. Here in the tests the shifted coordinate y
is used with the vperp label so that the grid runs from (0,L].
function chebyshevradau_test(; ngrid=5, L_in=3.0)

# elemental grid tests
#ngrid = 17
#nelement = 4
y_ngrid = ngrid #number of points per element
y_nelement_local = 1 # number of elements per rank
y_nelement_global = y_nelement_local # total number of elements
y_L = L_in
bc = "zero"
discretization = "gausslegendre_pseudospectral"
# fd_option and adv_input not actually used so given values unimportant
fd_option = "fourth_order_centered"
cheb_option = "matrix"
adv_input = advection_input("default", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
nrank = 1
irank = 0#1
element_spacing_option = "uniform"
# create the 'input' struct containing input info needed to create a
# coordinate
y_name = "vperp" # to use radau grid
y_input = grid_input(y_name, y_ngrid, y_nelement_global, y_nelement_local,
nrank, irank, y_L, discretization, fd_option, cheb_option, bc, adv_input,comm,element_spacing_option)
y, y_spectral = define_coordinate(y_input)

Dmat = y_spectral.radau.Dmat
print_matrix(Dmat,"Radau Dmat",y.ngrid,y.ngrid)
D0 = y_spectral.radau.D0
print_vector(D0,"Radau D0",y.ngrid)

ff_err = Array{Float64,1}(undef,y.n)
ff = Array{Float64,1}(undef,y.n)
for iy in 1:y.n
ff[iy] = exp(-4.0*y.grid[iy])
df_exact = -4.0
df_num = sum(D0.*ff)/y.element_scale[1]
df_err = abs(df_num - df_exact)
println("f(y) = exp(-4 y) test")
println("exact df: ",df_exact," num df: ",df_num," abs(err): ",df_err)

for iy in 1:y.n
ff[iy] = sin(y.grid[iy])
df_exact = 1.0
df_num = sum(D0.*ff)/y.element_scale[1]
df_err = abs(df_num - df_exact)
println("f(y) = sin(y) test")
println("exact df: ",df_exact," num df: ",df_num," abs(err): ",df_err)
for iy in 1:y.n
ff[iy] = y.grid[iy] + (y.grid[iy])^2 + (y.grid[iy])^3
df_exact = 1.0
df_num = sum(D0.*ff)/y.element_scale[1]
df_err = abs(df_num - df_exact)
println("f(y) = y + y^2 + y^3 test")
println("exact df: ",df_exact," num df: ",df_num," abs(err): ",df_err)

if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__
using Pkg


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