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Maciej Sopyło edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

This page describes the structs defined by the library.


Contains the charger's system settings.

struct SysInfo {
  unsigned int cycleTime, timeLimit, capLimit, lowDCLimit, tempLimit, voltage, cells[8];
  bool timeLimitOn, capLimitOn, keyBuzzer, systemBuzzer;
field type SI unit description
cycleTime unsigned int minutes time between cycles (used for cycling Ni-* batteries)
timeLimit unsigned int minutes safety time limit, if the charging takes longer it stops
capLimit unsigned int mAh safety capacity limit, if the battery takes more charging stops
lowDCLimit unsigned int mV safety for when using battery power (in mV), turns the charger off if the DC source voltage falls below this value
tempLimit unsigned int °C safety temperature limit, if the internal or external temperature exceeds this value charging stops
voltage unsigned int mV current voltage on the main battery connector
cells[8] unsigned int mV voltage on each of the batteries connected to the balancing socket
timeLimitOn bool whether the safety time limit is enabled
capLimitOn bool whether the safety capacity limit is enabled
keyBuzzer bool whether the key buzzer in the charger is enabled
systemBuzzer bool whether the system buzzer in the charger is enabled


Contains the current charging information.

struct ChargeInfo {
  unsigned int state, tempExt, tempInt, capacity, time, voltage, current, impendance, cells[8];
field type SI unit description
state unsigned int state the charger is in (TODO: b6::STATE)
tempExt unsigned int °C temperature of the external probe
tempInt unsigned int °C temperature of the charger's internal probe
capacity unsigned int mAh capacity computed during this charging process
time unsigned int seconds duration of the charging process
voltage unsigned int mV voltage on the main battery connector (basically battery/charging voltage)
current unsigned int mA charging current
impendance unsigned int charger internal impedance
cells[8] unsigned int mV voltage on each of the batteries connected to the balancing socket


Used to set the charging parameters.

struct ChargeProfile {
  BATTERY_TYPE batteryType;
  uint8_t cellCount, rPeakCount, cycleType, cycleCount;
  union {
  } mode;
  uint16_t chargeCurrent, dischargeCurrent, cellDischargeVoltage, endVoltage, trickleCurrent;
field type SI unit description
batteryType b6::BATTERY_TYPE the type of the battery that is going to be charged
cellCount uint8_t number of cells in the battery
rPeakCount uint8_t number of re-pek cycles (Ni-* batteries, re-peak mode only)
cycleType uint8_t type of the cycles (Ni-* batteries, cycle mode only)
cycleCount uint8_t number of charge←→discharge cycles (Ni-* batteries, cycle mode only) b6::CHARGING_MODE_LI charging mode for the Li-* batteries b6::CHARGING_MODE_NI charging mode for the Ni-* batteries
mode.pb b6::CHARGING_MODE_PB charging mode for the lead-acid batteries
chargeCurrent uint16_t mA charging current
dischargeCurrent uint16_t mA discharging current
cellDischargeVoltage uint16_t mV voltage at which discharging stops (per cell)
endVoltage uint16_t mV voltage at which charging stops (per cell)
trickleCurrent uint16_t mA trickle charging current (last phase of lead-acid charging)
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