A fork of the fowsr or wwsr program for reading the WS1080 weather station
I got the original program from the fowsr guys. I didn't like the fact that it was written in one huge C file, so i went about the process of spreading it out and re-doing it so that it made more sense to me. There are still things that i think could be done better, even when i did them i still think that. So it's a bit of a work in progress.
Jim Easterbrook also has some excellent information about the storage of the device at http://www.jim-easterbrook.me.uk/weather/ew/
The program requires the a WS1080 or WS1081 weather station and the additional packages
- libusb-dev
- libpq-dev
- libcurl4-gnutls-dev
do apt-get install libusb-dev libpq-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev to get these
Unpack the files to a directory of your choice, then run the make file.
./wwsr -h
to show options
The device might get claimed by the kernel, add the following udev rule so that we can access it without being root. Add in /etc/udev/rules.d/<rule_name>
# WH-1081 Weather Station
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1941", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8021", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="660"
After doing that, you should be able to do ./wwsr -h and be presented with the help screen