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A Ruby gem for streaming data from the Bluesky/ATProto firehose


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A Ruby gem for streaming data from the Bluesky/ATProto firehose 🦋


ATProto Ruby gems collection: skyfall | blue_factory | minisky | didkit

What does it do

Skyfall is a Ruby library for connecting to the "firehose" of the Bluesky social network, i.e. a websocket which streams all new posts and everything else happening on the Bluesky network in real time. The code connects to the websocket endpoint, decodes the messages which are encoded in some binary formats like DAG-CBOR, and returns the data as Ruby objects, which you can filter and save to some kind of database (e.g. in order to create a custom feed).

Since version 0.5, Skyfall also supports connecting to Jetstream sources, which serve the same kind of stream, but as JSON messages instead of CBOR.


From the command line:

gem install skyfall

Or, add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'skyfall', '~> 0.5'


Standard ATProto firehose

To connect to the firehose, start by creating a Skyfall::Firehose object, specifying the server hostname and endpoint name:

require 'skyfall'

sky ='', :subscribe_repos)

The server name can be just a hostname, or a full URL with a ws: or wss: scheme, which is useful if you want to use a non-encrypted websocket connection, e.g. "ws://localhost:8000". The endpoint can be either a full NSID string like "com.atproto.sync.subscribeRepos", or one of the defined symbol shortcuts - you will almost always want to pass :subscribe_repos here.

Next, set up event listeners to handle incoming messages and get notified of errors. Here are all the available listeners (you will need at least either on_message or on_raw_message):

# this gives you a parsed message object, one of subclasses of Skyfall::Firehose::Message
sky.on_message { |msg| p msg }

# this gives you raw binary data as received from the websocket
sky.on_raw_message { |data| p data }

# lifecycle events
sky.on_connecting { |url| puts "Connecting to #{url}..." }
sky.on_connect { puts "Connected" }
sky.on_disconnect { puts "Disconnected" }
sky.on_reconnect { puts "Connection lost, trying to reconnect..." }
sky.on_timeout { puts "Connection stalled, triggering a reconnect..." }

# handling errors (there's a default error handler that does exactly this)
sky.on_error { |e| puts "ERROR: #{e}" }

You can also call these as setters accepting a Proc - e.g. to disable default error handling, you can do:

sky.on_error = nil

When you're ready, open the connection by calling connect:


The #connect method blocks until the connection is explicitly closed with #disconnect from an event or interrupt handler. Skyfall uses EventMachine under the hood, so in order to run some things in parallel, you can use e.g. EM::PeriodicTimer.

Using a Jetstream source

Alternatively, you can connect to a Jetstream server. Jetstream is a firehose proxy that lets you stream data as simple JSON instead, which uses much less bandwidth, and allows you to pick only a subset of events that you're interested in, e.g. only posts or only from specific accounts. (See the configuration section for more info on Jetstream filtering.)

Jetstream connections are made using a Skyfall::Jetstream instance, which has more or less the same API as Skyfall::Firehose, so it should be possible to switch between those by just changing the line that creates the client instance:

sky ='')

sky.on_message { |msg| ... }
sky.on_error { |e| ... }
sky.on_connect { ... }



ATProto websocket endpoints implement a "cursor" feature to help you make sure that you don't miss anything if your connection is down for a bit (because of a network issue, server restart, deploy etc.). Each message includes a seq field, which is the sequence number of the event. You can keep track of the last seq you've seen, and when you reconnect, you pass that number as a cursor parameter - the server will then "replay" all events you might have missed since that last one. (The Relay firehose currently has a buffer of about 72 hours, though that's not something required by specification.)

To use a cursor when connecting to the firehose, pass it as the third parameter to Skyfall::Firehose. You should then regularly save the seq of the last event to some permanent storage, and then load it from there when reconnecting.

A full-network firehose sends many hundreds of events per second, so depending on your use case, it might be enough if you save it every n events (e.g. every 100 or 1000) and on clean shutdown:

cursor = load_cursor

sky ='', :subscribe_repos, cursor)
sky.on_message do |msg|
  save_cursor(msg.seq) if msg.seq % 1000 == 0

Jetstream has a similar mechanism, except the cursor is the event's timestamp in Unix time microseconds instead of just a number incrementing by 1. For Skyfall::Jetstream, pass the cursor as a key in an options hash:

cursor = load_cursor

sky ='', { cursor: cursor })
sky.on_message do |msg|

Processing messages

Each message passed to on_message is an instance of a subclass of either Skyfall::Firehose::Message or Skyfall::Jetstream::Message, depending on the selected source. The supported message types are:

  • CommitMessage (#commit) - represents a change in a user's repo; most messages are of this type
  • IdentityMessage (#identity) - notifies about a change in user's DID document, e.g. a handle change or a migration to a new PDS
  • AccountMessage (#account) - notifies about a change of an account's status (de/activation, suspension, deletion)
  • HandleMessage (#handle - deprecated) - when a different handle is assigned to a user's DID
  • TombstoneMessage (#tombstone - deprecated) - when an account is deleted
  • LabelsMessage (#labels) - only used in subscribe_labels endpoint
  • InfoMessage (#info) - a protocol error message, e.g. about an invalid cursor parameter
  • UnknownMessage is used for other unrecognized message types

#handle and #tombstone events are considered deprecated, replaced by #identity and #account respectively. They are still being emitted at the moment (in parallel with the newer event types), but they might stop being sent at any moment, so it's recommended that you don't rely on those.

Skyfall::Firehose::Message and Skyfall::Jetstream::Message variants of message classes should have more or less the same interface, except when a given field is not included in one of the formats.

All message objects have the following shared properties:

  • type (symbol) - the message type identifier, e.g. :commit
  • seq (integer) - a sequential index of the message; Jetstream messages instead have a time_us value, which is a Unix timestamp in microseconds (also aliased as seq for compatibility)
  • repo or did (string) - DID of the repository (user account)
  • time (Time) - timestamp of the described action

All properties except type may be nil for some message types that aren't related to a specific user, like #info.

Commit messages additionally have:

  • commit - CID of the commit
  • operations - list of operations (usually one)

Handle and Identity messages additionally have:

  • handle - the new handle assigned to the DID

Account messages additionally have:

  • active? - whether the account is active, or inactive for any reason
  • status - if not active, shows the status of the account (:deactivated, :deleted, :takendown)

Info messages additionally have:

  • name - identifier of the message/error
  • message - a human-readable description

Commit operations

Operations are objects of type Skyfall::Firehose::Operation or Skyfall::Jetstream::Operation and have such properties:

  • repo or did (string) - DID of the repository (user account)
  • collection (string) - name of the relevant collection in the repository, e.g. for posts
  • type (symbol) - short name of the collection, e.g. :bsky_post
  • rkey (string) - identifier of a record in a collection
  • path (string) - the path part of the at:// URI - collection name + ID (rkey) of the item
  • uri (string) - the complete at:// URI
  • action (symbol) - :create, :update or :delete
  • cid (CID) - CID of the operation/record (nil for delete operations)

Create and update operations will also have an attached record (JSON object) with details of the post, like etc. The record data is currently available as a Ruby hash via raw_record property (custom types will be added in future).

So for example, in order to filter only "create post" operations and print their details, you can do something like this:

sky.on_message do |m|
  next if m.type != :commit

  m.operations.each do |op|
    next unless op.action == :create && op.type == :bsky_post

    puts "#{op.repo}:"
    puts op.raw_record['text']

For more examples, see the example folder or the bluesky-feeds-rb project, which implements a feed generator service.

Note on custom lexicons

Note that the Operation objects have two properties that tell you the kind of record they're about: #collection, which is a string containing the official name of the collection/lexicon, e.g. ""; and #type, which is a symbol meant to save you some typing, e.g. :bsky_post.

When Skyfall receives a message about a record type that's not on the list, whether in the app.bsky namespace or not, the operation type will be :unknown, while the collection will be the original string. So if an app like e.g. "Skygram" appears with a zz.skygram.* namespace that lets you share photos on ATProto, the operations will have a type :unknown and collection names like, and you can check the collection field for record types known to you and process them in some appropriate way, even if Skyfall doesn't recognize the record type.

Do not however check if such operations have a type equal to :unknown first - just ignore the type and only check the collection string. The reason is that some next version of Skyfall might start recognizing those records and add a new type value for them like e.g. :skygram_photo, and then they won't match your condition anymore.

Reconnection logic

In a perfect world, the websocket would never disconnect until you disconnect it, but unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. The socket sometimes disconnects or stops responding, and Skyfall has some built-in protections to make sure it can operate without much oversight.

Broken connections

If the connection is randomly closed for some reason, Skyfall will by default try to reconnect automatically. If the reconnection fails (e.g. because the network is down), it will wait with an exponential backoff up to 5 minute intervals and keep retrying forever until it connects again. The on_reconnect callback is triggered when the connection is closed (before the wait delay). This mechanism should generally solve most of the problem.

The auto reconnecting feature is enabled by default, but you can turn it off by setting auto_reconnect to false.

Stalled connections & heartbeat

Occasionally, especially during times of very heavy traffic, the websocket can get into a stuck state where it stops receiving any data, but doesn't disconnect and just hangs like this forever. To work around this, there is a "heartbeat" feature which starts a background timer, which periodically checks how much time has passed since the last received event, and if the time exceeds a set limit, it manually disconnects and reconnects the stream.

This feature is not enabled by default, because there are some firehoses which will not be sending events often, possibly only once in a while – e.g. labellers and independent PDS firehoses – and in this case we don't want any heartbeat since it will be completely normal not to have any events for a long time. It's not really possible to detect easily if we're connecting to a full network relay or one of those, so in order to avoid false alarms, you need to enable this manually using the check_heartbeat property.

You can also change the heartbeat_interval, i.e. how often the timer is triggered (default: 10s), and the heartbeat_timeout, i.e. the amount of time passed without events needed to cause a reconnect (default: 5 min):

sky.check_heartbeat = true
sky.heartbeat_interval = 5
sky.heartbeat_timeout = 120

Cursors when reconnecting

Skyfall keeps track of the last event's seq internally in the cursor property, so if the client reconnects for whatever reason, it will automatically use the latest cursor in the URL.


This only happens if you use the on_message callback and not on_raw_message, since the event is not parsed from binary data into a Message object if you use on_raw_message, so Skyfall won't have access to the seq field then.

Streaming from labellers

Apart from subscribe_repos, there is a second endpoint subscribe_labels, which is used to stream labels from labellers (ATProto moderation services). This endpoint only sends #labels events (and possibly #info).

To connect to a labeller, pass :subscribe_labels as the endpoint name to Skyfall::Firehose. The on_message callback will get called with Skyfall::Firehose::LabelsMessage events, each of which includes one or more labels as Skyfall::Label:

cursor = load_cursor(service)
sky =, :subscribe_labels, cursor)
sky.on_message do |msg|
  if msg.type == :labels
    msg.labels.each do |l|
      puts "[#{l.created_at}] #{l.subject} => #{l.value}"

See ATProto label docs for info on what fields are included with each label - Skyfall::Label includes properties with these original names, and also more friendly aliases for each (e.g. value instead of val).

Other configuration

User agent

Skyfall sends a user agent header when making a connection. This is set by default to "Skyfall/0.x.y", but it's recommended that you override it using the user_agent field to something that identifies your app and its author – this will let the owner of the server you're connecting to know who to contact in case the client is causing some problems.

You can also append your user agent info to the default value like this:

sky.user_agent = "NewsBot ( #{sky.version_string}"

Jetstream filters

Jetstream allows you to specify filters of collection types and/or tracked DIDs when you connect, so it will send you only the events you're interested in. You can e.g. ask only for posts and ignore likes, or only profile events and ignore everything else, or only listen for posts from a few specific accounts.

To use these filters, pass the "wantedCollections" and/or "wantedDids" parameters in the options hash when initializing Skyfall::Jetstream. You can use the original JavaScript param names, or a more Ruby-like snake_case form:

sky ='', {
  wanted_collections: '',
  wanted_dids: @dids

For collections, you can also use the symbol codes used in Operation#type, e.g. :bsky_post:

sky ='', {
  wanted_collections: [:bsky_post]

See Jetstream docs for more info on available filters.


The compress and requireHello options (and zstd compression) are not available at the moment. Also the "subscriber sourced messages" aren't implemented yet.


Copyright © 2024 Kuba Suder (

The code is available under the terms of the zlib license (permissive, similar to MIT).

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome 😎


A Ruby gem for streaming data from the Bluesky/ATProto firehose





