Release v4.6.3
Announcing release v4.6.3
Here are the main changes:
1. Bittensor version bumped to 8.4.3
We have noticed that we have a higher success rate for weight setting with this version than 6.9.4.
2. Changed S3 bucket URL for the stack v2-dedup dataset
The official doc provides two URLs to access the softwareheritage
S3 bucket.
The URL we used before seem to fail in some region. The other URL<sha1>
seem to be more robust, so we updated the dataloader to use it.
-IMPORTANT: The newly added dataset for code the-stack-v2-dedup
requires a Hugging Face access token and S3 secret and access keys. You can learn how to obtain and configure those tokens in our validator documentation here.
-Please also make sure to rerun pip install to ensure updated dependencies.
python -m pip install -e