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Prometheus Exporter for Homebridge

A simple exporter for Prometheus that reads information about all your devices and exports all values as Prometheus metrics.


prometheus-exporter is a command line program that takes few parameters:

    homebridge-exporter [OPTIONS] --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD>

        --debug                  Debug mode (displays additional log lines)
    -h, --help                   Print help information
        --keyfile <KEYFILE>      Authorization keys file. Default to authorization-keys.yml in the
                                 current working directory [default: authorization-keys.yml]
    -p, --password <PASSWORD>    Homebridge password
        --port <PORT>            Metrics webserver port (service /metrics for Prometheus scraper)
                                 [default: 9123]
        --prefix <PREFIX>        Registry metrics prefix [default: homebrige]
    -u, --username <USERNAME>    Homebridge username
        --uri <URI>              Homebridge UI uri [default: http://localhost:8581]
    -V, --version                Print version information

This software scrapes all the accessories from homebridge APIs and creates prometheus metrics out of all services information. All the metrics are then exposed under the standard path /metrics by the embedded HTTP server.

/restart endpoint

The exporter also exposes an additional endpoint that you can use to restart your homebridge server in case you detect some problem with metric values (for example from Prometheus AlertManager). The endpoint is mapped at /restart path and must be used sending a POST request, containing an Authorization header holding a bearer token you should generate and put inside the file authorization-keys.yml (or in your custom yaml file you specified in the --keyfile parameter) . An example of the content of this file is this:

  - 1d3f962f-bdcf-4f08-85ce-3e109f4e8f62

You can then use this CURL to trigger your Homebridge instance to restart:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer 1d3f962f-bdcf-4f08-85ce-3e109f4e8f62" http://YOUR_IP:9123/restart

NOTE: if the key file does not exist the /restart endpoint won't do anything.

Build from source

This project is written in Rust and uses Cargo to compile and link the final executable. To be able to build the final executable, you need first to install Rust, following the instructions here.

Once your environment is ready, you can build the project by running the command:

cargo build

To build in release more, just add -r to the above command. If you want to build only a specific target, specify it using the --target parameter:

cargo build --target x86_64-apple-darwin

Supported targets are defined in the cargo config file.